Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Teachers union Essays - Educators, Occupations, Teacher, Teaching
Teachers union Essays - Educators, Occupations, Teacher, Teaching or your seventh discussion board topic, you will need to watch the video Dont Blame Teachers Unions for Our Failing Schools: A Debate, which can be found in the required learning materials in the Learning Activities folder for Class Session 11. Click on the Discussion Board link above and respond to the following: After watching the debate, do you believe that Teachers Unions are part of the problem in education? Why or why not? Provide examples to support your position. For this discussion, you may want to focus on the following key concepts in the course: Educatio After carefully watching the debate on the article Dont Blame Teachers Unions for Our Failing Schools , I do believe that Teachers Unions are part of the problem in education. Within an union, they are under leadership where they supposed to protect its members. Teachers union are certainly supposed to determine to educating student, epesically in big cities. I do believe that there are teachers out there. However, there are some teachers who are considered to be conservative in personal views. Teachers are seem to be recognized as a blame for societys problems. It is uncertainly not the teachers fault that kids behave the way they choose, or their parents support them when they are in wrong situation. There are parents who actually do not teach their kids about discipline or even bother to educated the; some parents just allowing their kids to hang out at home and not learning anything. When kids not being actively engage to expand their knowledge it creates problems in the long ru n. That is why some students who are in high school are only able to read at a lower level that they are supposed to. The problems in education equality are the same problems in society, which is considered to be very challenges to correct these problems in education as it is in society. Also, the Union are considered to be these people who hold great power in terms of making choices and decision to better situation even protecting its members. They are responsible for protecting jobs and wages is what unions were established to do, helping secure the employment and interest of others. I do not think that teachers are not completely the reason why schools are failing , but I do think do play a factor in school failing. To put into perspective, people cannot simply blame the teachers union for the outcome of failing school. We must put other possible factors into the equation as well. There are other things that contributed to the result of the outcome. For example, we must take into account of students background that they are enrolled in the failing schools. Every student background contains evidence in which some students may performed poorly or successfully. For some reason parents are not providing with the proper resources and other traits that contribute to school to ensure that their kids are successful. I know for sure that parents of students are partially blame for the failing schools In terms of parents, we must also recognized the environment where the schools are located. If a student is in a type of area where violence and drug and other malevolent activities impacts the students success as well. Perhaps parents enroll their kids in an environment that is not considered to be effective or suitable for an excellent education. Every school has different curriculum-some are challenging, average, easy or not just adequate for a good education that a child can receive to take along in college or any career path. The teachers unions contributes to failing school as much as the parents. Teachers are supposed to provide students with a good education. However, some teachers simply do not care about whether r or not the student learn to get their education, but more concern about their bi-weekly paycheck. The notion of teachers mindset affects complications that correlate with students learning abilities. Teachers especially thinks that students who come from low-income communites do not want an education. Maybe teacher way of thinking is because of student past behavior or background stratus. After all, I do not think everyone contribute wholly to failing school, but everyone contributes to the outcome of
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Words Caught in Semantic Drift
5 Words Caught in Semantic Drift 5 Words Caught in Semantic Drift 5 Words Caught in Semantic Drift By Mark Nichol Is it possible to simultaneously admire the vibrancy and flexibility of the English language and grumble about shifts in meaning that deprive the language of some of its richness? I know it is, because I often do so. Because of the organic nature of language, English is a victim of semantic drift not as cataclysmic as continental drift, but detectable on the rigor scale and I regret the loss of the far-flung flotsam. Semantic drift is the evolution that occurs in the meaning of some words when careless, ignorant usage alters or even reverses their senses. Such change is inevitable, but allow me to mourn the loss of a word here and there, never again to be applicable to an idea or image with such crisp clarity. Here are five terms tainted by semantic drift: 1. Aggravate The essence of aggravate is right there in the middle: grav-, the root of gravity and grave (as in â€Å"serious†; the word for the resting place of a coffin has a different etymological origin). The Latin word gravis means â€Å"heavy,†and aggravate originally literally means â€Å"to make heavy†; the original sense was â€Å"to make worse.†But almost immediately and naturally, because a burden is irritating it acquired the additional sense of â€Å"exasperate.†Use of that meaning now predominates. Wordsmith H. W. Fowler proclaimed that â€Å"to make worse†is the only correct sense of aggravate; he was undoubtedly irritated (not aggravated) to know that popular usage defied his decree. 2. Bemused The root of this word, muse, means â€Å"to think or ponder,†but it has an amusing origin; it is from a Latinate term for â€Å"snout†and became associated with cogitation from the image of lifting one’s nose in the air, perhaps to sniff a scent and consider its source. (It is apparently unrelated to, though influenced by, muse, meaning â€Å"to think,†from the name of the Muses, the Greek goddesses of the arts and sciences; this is also the origin of museum and music.) Bemused (â€Å"confused†) is often confused for amused (â€Å"comically entertained†) because of their original similarity of meaning: Bemused literally means â€Å"thoroughly thinking,†suggesting being confused by thinking too much, whereas the literal meaning of amused is â€Å"without thought,†with the connotation of being diverted from thinking by some lighthearted entertainment. However, bemusement is serious business. 3. Nonplussed This word, taken literally from the Latin words for no and more, originally was used in the noun form to describe a point from which one could not continue because one was perplexed. For five hundred years, that’s what the word meant. But at some point during the twentieth century, people inexplicably began to assume that it refers to the opposite state, that of being unfazed (not unphased!) or at ease, as if being plussed were a state of bewilderment and nonplussed therefore means â€Å"not bewildered.†The antonymic meaning soon went viral, and now one is likely to be unclear about which meaning a speaker or writer has in mind. When that happens, perhaps it’s best to retire a word altogether and fortunately in this case, at least bewildered and perplexed persist (for now) with unequivocal synonymic meaning. 4. Nostalgia This battle was lost long ago, but the case study is interesting. Nostalgia was coined (from the first part of the Greek word for â€Å"homecoming†and the Latin suffix -algia itself originally from Greek and meaning â€Å"pain†) in the late 1600s to refer to the literal affliction of homesickness. For two centuries, nostalgia was treated as a serious ailment suffered by soldiers and others who suffered ailments caused by a melancholic longing for home. That clinical sense itself wasted away, and though nostalgia continued to refer to homesickness, that meaning was overtaken by the idea of a sentimental yearning for a lost state or condition, usually temporally rather than spatially irrevocable. However, I’m nostalgic about the lost meaning. 5. Voluptuous For hundreds of years, voluptuous meant â€Å"luxurious, pleasure seeking, devoted to sensual gratification†(the Latin root is voluptas, meaning â€Å"pleasure†), but back in the early 1800s, the word came to be associated primarily with female beauty, and later the primary sense shifted to that of curvaceousness. Here are some other words that have been affected by semantic drift. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingConfusing "Passed" with "Past"May Have vs. Might Have
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Video in the Newsroom Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Video in the Newsroom - Research Paper Example The research bases most information in relation to New York Times practices. The New York Times newspaper initiated the use of videos in newsrooms following the dawn of digitalized technology and an aspect that propelled sales and profits. The company adapts to the practice and is able to reduce paperwork and unnecessary workforce (Hale c1). The company acquires an edge of efficiency as the editors find ease in making story scripts through the relay of videos. The company prints information promptly and reaches the buyer on time. Therefore, the editors post intense and accurate information online to reach the desired reader (Cornelissen, 78). The New York Times implements that the photographers should work closely to the live footage journalists who cast the videos on the occurrence of the events. The newspaper company establishes that the photographers should take still photos, and write scripts to remain informative to the occurrence of the events (Hale c1). New York Times’ photographers cast video scripts to support their still photos, and written scripts. Therefore, the use of videos in the newsrooms affect the photographers to present supported information to the editors who find ease in revising information, attaching relevant information to the chosen articles and promptly posting it online (Day 48). New York Times relays most of the news via websites to cover a wider area. The company saves unnecessary expenses through the criteria as transport cost reduce accordingly. The use of videos in newsrooms, and in online relay of information curbs the low-income earners from accessing information. The company notes that most of the readers to newspapers lack access to digital informative sources. The newspaper company seeks to reach all the readers accordingly but deviating to the online channels curbs some readers out of reach. Therefore, use of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Purpose of the Higher Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Purpose of the Higher Education - Essay Example In most cases, the ideas of students are rarely considered when higher learning institutions are developing the curriculum. Due to the fact that we are living in a dynamic environment that is characterized by changes, it is imperative for students to be involved in the curriculum development since they may have some enterprising ideas that can help to improve the whole education system. This idea is supported by Kelly Sousa (http://whichwaync.com/2012/07/18/a-job-offer-a-skill-set-a-higher-tolerance-what-does-college-provide/, July 18, 2012) who posts to the effect that technical skills are gaining more priority as a result of the fact that the world has significantly industrialized. Various courses that are offered at higher learning institutions are theoretical in terms of their design. Students are taught various theories related to a particular area of study and in most cases, this kind of study is mainly academic in nature. However, after graduating from different tertiary insti tutions, many people rarely apply the theoretical knowledge they are taught at universities. Instead, they often encounter different problems that may require experience in that particular area. This experience is often gained through constant practice. It can be noted that some people are offered training at their work which may be costly to the companies since they will have to retrain the newly employed people. Some studies have shown that knowledge is more important since it is regarded as a stepping stone to a career by different people. Higher education is mainly designed to develop people better so that they can be in a position to find solutions to problems they may encounter in their lives. in workplaces, people are expected to make decisions and they should try to find solutions to problems they come across in their work. This is the reason why students should also put their input in the development of the curriculum. The problem with the current curriculum is that it is s kewed in favor of generating theoretical knowledge rather than developing the skills of the students so that they can be in a better position to deal with various technical problems they may encounter in their work. Therefore, it is recommended that people who are pursuing studies in areas that are technical in nature should be exposed to more practice in the actual field of their specialty so that they gain the much-needed knowledge. These students should be attached to different companies for longer periods as part of their learning since this will help them to gain different skills that are required for them to carry out various tasks. Theory and practice should be balanced in order for the students to gain the knowledge that can be transformed in order for them to deal with different problems they may face in their work. Various people seek education for monetary reasons since they believe that they will get better job opportunities that are characterized by high salaries. The c urriculum offered at tertiary institutions is designed in such a way that it helps people with higher qualifications to get high positions in different organizations. For instance, managers, as well as other people with influential positions, are highly qualified and they are paid lucrative salaries as a result of the high qualifications they have.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The L-Tryptophan Recall Essay Example for Free
The L-Tryptophan Recall Essay What L-Tryptophan is? Amino acids are naturally occurring component of human body. They provide the monomer units from which large proteins are synthesized. Amino acids are described as the nitrogen-containing organic compounds forming the building blocks of proteins. â€Å"They are essential to human metabolism, and to making the human body function properly for good health†. (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_g2603/is_0001/ai_2603000153)  Amino acids are classified as essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those which are required to be included in the diet as body is not capable of synthesizing it. â€Å"Of the 28 amino acids known to exist, eight of them are considered essential, defined as those that can be obtained only through food. These essential amino acids are tryptophan, lysine, methionine, phenylalaine, threonine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine. The non-essential amino acids include arginine, tyrosine, glycine, serine, glutmamic acid, aspartic acid, taurine, cycstine, histidine, proline, alanine, and creatine, which is a combination of arginine, glycine, and methionine.†(http://www.findarticles.com/p/search?qt=tryptophanqf=allqta=1tb=artx=0y=0) Tryptophan (L-Tryptophan) is one of the essential amino acid encoded by the genetic code as codon UG. Tryptophan is found in protein rich foods. Its sources includes â€Å"oats, bananas, dried dates, milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, red meat, eggs, fish, poultry, sesame, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, spirulina peanuts and turkey†. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan) Tryptophan (L-Tryptophan) is used for treating Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Aggression, Pain and many other neurological disorders. It is helpful for neurological disorders because tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitters used at almost all nerve endings present in our body.            The metabolite of tryptophan, 5-HTP can be obtained in capsule or tablet form from any pharmacist without a prescription since it was included under the Dietary Supplement Act. What Products Contain It and What Their Uses Are? As already mentioned, L-Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin. Serotonin works in the body as an anti-depressant, pain and anxiety suppressor, or a sleep inducer. Therefore,  L-Tryptophan is found in many anti-depressant drugs such as Paxil and Zolof and even Prozac and thus when taken, produces serotonin. Other pharmaceutical products containing L-Tryptophan includes names like Xanax, Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, Codeine, Anafranil. Xanax, or alprazolam, also belongs to the class of drugs benzodiazepines. Xanax is used to treat anxiety. It acts on the brain chemicals which causes anxiety. It should not be taken by pregnant or lactating women without prescription due to its harmful effects. Xanax can cause serious birth defects. Xanax overdose is fatal and should contact your doctor immediately. Halcion also belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs. Triazolam, the generic name for Halcion, is used for treating short-term insomnia. Dalmane, generic name Flurazepam hydrochloride, is used for treating insomnia. Insomnia is defined as difficulty in falling asleep or waking up frequently at night. Dalmane is usually used by people who have frequent insomnia or who have poor sleeping habits. It belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. It is a prescription drug and taken as prescribed by your doctor. Side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, falling, lack of muscular coordination, light-headedness, staggering. The side effects increases if it is combined with the following:- â€Å"Antidepressants such as Elavil and Tofranil Antihistamines such as Benadryl and Tavist Antipsychotic drugs such as Mellaril and chlorpromazine Barbiturates such as Seconal and phenobarbital Narcotic painkillers such as Demerol and Tylenol with Codeine Sedatives such as Xanax and Halcion Tranquilizers such as Librium and Valium†(http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/rxdrugprofiles/drugs/dal1113.shtml) Clomipramine, (brand name: Anafranil), is an anti-depressant used in treatment of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It effects the serotonergic neuronal transmission by an unknown mechanism. Clomipramine should be avoided after myocardial infarction, liver damage, kidney damage, or glaucoma. The most noteworthy side effect of clomipramine known is seizures. Codeine is more commonly known as Empirin, Tylenol or Tylenol with Codeine Elixir. Codeine is an analgesic drug (narcotic pain reliever). It is used to treat all kinds of pain. â€Å"Codeine is frequently combined with Tylenol or aspirin for more effective pain relief.. EMPIRIN contains aspirin and is, therefore, not used in patients with a history of aspirin allergy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Tylenol with Codeine tablets contain a sulfite that can cause allergic asthma and even life-threatening anaphylaxis reactions in susceptible patients.† http://www.medicinenet.com/codeine/article.htm Other side effects are usually subtle including abdominal pain, constipation nausea, vomiting and sedation. Tryptophan was banned in the United States due to the endemic outbreak Eosinophilia- Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). â€Å"The ban is maintained till now and its availability is limited to the prescription drug (Tryptan), infant formulas, and enteral feeding products. Since 1994 tryptophan is available and marketed as a dietary supplement in the United States, while imported product remains limited by special regulations†. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDN/is_1_11/ai_n16126569 EMS (The Disease Caused By These Products) L-tryptophan is popular among health conscious individuals for treating pain disorders and insomnia. Contrary to its popularity, tryptophan metabolism includes a lot of disorders. Some of the diseases/complications involved in tryptophan metabolism include Eosinophilia- Myalgia Syndrome (EMS), Pellagra, and Hartnup Disease, eosinophilic fasciitis, bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP), acute eosinophilic pulmonary disease, and Hypercapnic respiratory. â€Å"The name pellagra comes from the Italian pelle, skin + agra, rough = rough skin, referring to the skin problems in pellagra†. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10366page=7 Pellagra is defined by a deficiency of niacin (B complex vitamin) or tryptophan (an amino acid). It is characterized by the 4 D’s: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death, usually appearing in this order. Other features are ulcerations within the mouth (glossitis), nausea, vomiting, seizures and balance disorder (ataxia). Niacin can prevent pellagra (and can cure it). Niacin is abundant in red meat, fish, poultry, and green leafy vegetables. Hartnup disease occurs when the essential amino acids such as, tryptophan, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, tyrosine and valine, are lost in the urine. â€Å"The clinical features of Hartnup disease are virtually identical to those of pellagra,†except the dermal findings are absent neuropsychiatric disturbances are more pronounced. â€Å"Cerebellar ataxia, psychiatric disturbances, and diarrhea are common†. (http://www.medstudents.com.br/nefro/nefro3.htm) Eosinophilic fasciitis is a syndrome effecting fascia. Fascia is a muscle tissue present underneath the skin. Fascia is inflamed and thickens. Rapid swelling occurs in the hands, arms, legs, and feet. The cause of eosinophilic fasciitis,however, is unknown. Eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, increases in the affected fascia and muscles. Eosinophils are associated with allergic-type reactions. Symptoms include tenderness and swelling of the arms and legs, thickened skin, muscle weakness and bone pain or tenderness. It is usually treated wit corticosteroid medications, which provides relief of the symptoms. Non-steroids anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) may also help. â€Å"Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is an inflammation of the bronchioles and surrounding tissue in the lungs. BOOP may affect small areas of the lungs or the entire lung†. The pneumonia isnt infectious, but it is due to inflammation of the lung tissue around the inflamed bronchioles. The causes of BOOP are still unknown but it is predicted that is caused by certain medications, radiation therapy, organ and tissue transplantation or some connective tissue disorders, such as lupus. â€Å"Chest radiographic findings [are also] suggestive of L-tryptophan.† â€Å"People with BOOP may or may not experience signs and symptoms. However, it can be detected on chest x-rays†. (http://lungdiseases.about.com/od/termsdefinitions/f/what_is_boop.htm) and (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0984/is_n6_v104/ai_14707382) â€Å"A cluster of four patients has been identified with pulmonary infiltrates, pleural effusions, hypoxemia, peripheral eosinophilia, and histologic evidence of pneumonitis and pulmonary vasculitis. In addition, these patients report ingestion of L-tryptophan-containing products at a time when the public was made aware of an association between the ingestion of L-tryptophan-containing products and the development of an eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.†(http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0984/is_n1_v99/ai_10489355) â€Å"Respiratory failure due to a disease of the muscles used for breathing (pump or ventilatory apparatus failure) is called hypercapnic respiratory failure. The lungs of these patients are normal. This type of respiratory failure occurs in patients with neuromuscular diseases such as myasthenia gravis, stroke, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, postoperative situations limiting ability to take deep breaths, and in depressant drug overdoses. Each of these disorders involves a loss or decrease in neuromuscular function, inefficient breathing and limitation to the flow of air into the lungs. Blood oxygen falls and the carbon dioxide increases because fresh air is not brought into the alveoli in needed amounts. In general, mechanical devices that help move the chest wall help these patients.†(http://www.healthnewsflash.com/conditions/respiratory_failure.php#6) â€Å"Pellagra is now rare in developed countries which enjoy balanced diets and fortified foods, but it was once a huge public health problem in the US. Three million Americans contracted pellagra and 100,000 died of it from 1906-40.†(http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=4821) The most well-known disease of L-Tryptophan metabolism is of the Eosinophilia- Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). â€Å"Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome is an immune mediated disease that appeared in the United States as an epidemic in 1989. EMS resulted from ingestion of large amount of an amino acid, L-Tryptophan. Eosinophilia is an elevated level of a type of white blood cell called an eosinophil. Myalgia refers to muscle pain. Many Americans ingested the supplement regularly or occasionally during the 1980s, often upon the advice of a physician, for medical problems including insomnia, chronic pain, and depression†. http://eosinophilia-myalgia.swiftsite.com/) The overwhelming majority of persons who got sick with EMS had ingested contaminated L-Tryptophan eventually traced to one large petrochemical company, Showa Denko K.K., of Japan. Bottle labeling did not indicate the raw product originated in Japan, and nobody in this country, it seems, was told that genetic engineering had been used to manufacture the L-Tryptophan. â€Å"Evidence also shows that overloads of tryptophan supplements inhibit histamine degradation by increased formation of formate and indolyl metabolites, several of which inhibit the degradation of histamine, thereby potentiating its effects. Excessive histamine activity is known to induce blood eosinophilia and myalgia. Furthermore, patients with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation who do not have EMS also manifest greatly increased sensitivity to incurred tryptophan and histamine. Histamine disequilibrium appears to be a final common pathway for syndromes characterized by eosinophilia with myalgia.†(http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic693.htm) EMS is characterized by flu-like symptoms. â€Å"Intense muscle pain with spasms and contractures, burning rashes, breathing difficulties and elevated eosinophil (a type of white blood cell) count are also present†. http://www.iffgd.org/GIDisorders/Other.html â€Å"The skin and other organs get infiltrated by inflammatory cells, including eosinophils, and the connective tissue is often inflamed and fibrotic. Other chronic features include neuromuscular disease and cardiac disease†. http://www5.geometry.net/detail/health_conditions/eosinophilia_page_no_5.html It â€Å"causes permanent scarring and fibrosis to nerve and muscle tissues, continuing inflammation, and provokes a permanent change in the bodys immune system.†The body systems affected by EMS includes â€Å"neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, dermatologic and endocrine systems.†Over time, the cutaneous abnormalities tend to improve, but many EMS patients continue to experience muscle cramps, muscle pain, fatigue, and memory disturbances. There is, unfortunately, no cure for EMS. Research is being conducted to develop an animal model of EMS so that its pathophysiology can be studied and treatments can be developed. Actual Recall and What Happened When It Was Issued Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome appeared first in 1989 in Mexico. Three women were suffering from a mysterious, undiagnosable condition whose symptoms comprised of â€Å"muscle pain and a high Eosinophilia count (a type of white blood cell that is usually found when a toxin or parasitic infection is present). The one thing common among all of the women was L-tryptophan†. The product came from Showa Denko Inc, a Japanese company. Showa Denko Inc was reducing their manufacturing cost compromising in its purification procedures and quickens the production process through genetically engineered bacteria. Consequently, contaminated batches of L-tryptophan were placed on the market. Within months, 37 people killed and over 1500 were permanently disabled when they used this product. (http://www.nemsn.org/) â€Å"Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in 1990, banned the sale of all over the counter L-tryptophan dietary supplements as it was found to be the common link in the EMS cases. Research was conducted to discover the cause of this illness. An unidentified impurity, called peak X, was found. The products were traced back to one manufacturer, Showa Denko KK (SDKK), one of Japans largest petrochemical companies†. (http://www.nemsn.org/) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA agreed to that instituted a recall. â€Å"The Food and Drug Administration today expanded its recall of L-tryptophan to include even small dosages of the manufactured dietary supplements†¦.The recall applies to all L-tryptophan products in tablet, capsule, caplet, powdered or liquid form, along with multi-ingredient, non-protein supplements that also contain L-tryptophan. (http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/NEW00064.html) Recall The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for guaranteeing the safety of the people of United States from the use of a variety of products, including drugs, medical devices and foods. â€Å"The FDA provides important and timely clinical information about safety issues involving medical products, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, biologics, medical devices, and special nutritional products, including medical foods and dietary supplements. The FDA issues and/or announces product safety alerts, recalls, withdrawals, and important labeling changes that may affect the health of all Americans.†(http://www.drugrecalls.com/drug_recalls.html) A Recall is defined as an action taken by the FDA to remove a product from the market. However, under the Federal, Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, FDA can only request and not impose a firm to recall a product.               FDA has no authority under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to order a recall, although it can request a firm to Recall a product. Under FDA’s regulation, a firm usually proceeds with a recall of a product voluntarily. It is because if they don’t comply FDA can seek a court order under the Federal Government to confiscate the product.  â€Å"The recall of a defective or harmful drug or product is sometimes publicized in newspapers and in news broadcasts. The FDA publicizes a recall only when it believes the public needs to be alerted about a serious hazard. The FDA expects companies to take full responsibility for product recalls, including follow-up checks to assure that recalls are successful. After a recall is completed, the FDA makes sure that the product is destroyed or suitably reconditioned and investigates why the product was defective.†(http://www.drugrecalls.com/drug_recalls.html)               In 1989, an epidemic of a serious disorder called for eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) spread in the United States. It was associated with ingestion of large amount of essential amino acid L-tryptophan. Over 1,500 EMS cases were reported which includes 38 deaths.               After this incident, FDA imposed a recall on â€Å"all marketed products to which manufacturers had added [been] L-tryptophan†. Some particular medical foods or infant product essential for nutrition is were left. FDA also put alerts on the import of raw material used in association of L-tryptophan. http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/CONSUMER/CON00259.html               EMS outbreak originated from a particular product coming from Japanese manufacturer. A lot of research has been done to know the exact cause of EMS; however, none of them has been successful. Yet, th e recall remains. Product Liability Laws Product liability comprises a number of laws and court rulings that apply to â€Å"manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, suppliers, retailers [who] are held responsible for the injuries those products cause†. The phrase is used to describe situations in which a person or property is injured or damaged in some way due to a defective product or service. Negligence, Breach of warranty and strict tort liability are the claims associated with product liability laws. In the US, product liability laws are determined at the state level and they vary from state to state.  Different elements are needed to be proven for each type of claim. However, â€Å"in any jurisdiction one must prove that the product is defective. There are three types of product defects that incur liability in manufacturers and suppliers: design defects, manufacturing defects, and defects in marketing†. Design defects are present before the product is being manufactured; manufacturing defects occur during the manufacturing process; and, defects in marketing occurs during the marketing process of the product where false information is given to the consumers.  (http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/index.php/Products_liability#products_liability_law:_an_overview) Negligence Negligence is defined as when the product manufacturer is unable to provide the legal standards protecting individuals against his/her product. In order to win a lawsuit against another person or company for products liability action under the theory of negligence, â€Å"a plaintiff must demonstrate that the injuries complained of were caused by a defective product whose defect existed at the time of injury and at the time in which the product left a manufacturers control†. A plaintiff must show that the goods were unreasonably dangerous either for the use to which they would ordinarily be put or for some other reasonably foreseeable purpose, and that the unreasonably dangerous condition existed when the goods left the manufacturer. (http://www.legal-definitions.com/personal-injury-law/product-liability/strict-liability-and-negligence-theories.htm) Elements Of Negligence Involved †¢ Duty:- According to the tort law, a Duty of Care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual or manufacturer requiring them to exercise a reasonable standard of care while performing any acts that could harm others. Duty of care in law should be identified for an action in negligence. Breach: Once the duty of care has been established, the plaintiff must prove that defendant failed to perform the necessary action. There will be a breach of the duty of care if defendant failed to do so. †¢ Causation: According to negligence, causation in defined as a situation when it has been proved that defendant has caused some kind of harm to the plaintiff. †¢ Damages/Harm:- â€Å"Damages are compensatory in nature and not penalizing. This means the amount awarded should aim to compensate for the pain and suffering suffered by the Plaintiff.†(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negligence) †¢ Manufacturer liabilities:- As previously mentioned, manufacturer liabilities occur during the manufacturing process of the product. Subsequent liabilities of the distributors:- Distributors are held responsible if they provide false information, regarding the product, to the consumers. Breach of Warranty            Breach of warranty is defined as the existence of defective goods at the time of sale. A warranty is violated and the seller may be held liable. Strict Tort Liability â€Å"Strict liability claims focus on the product itself. Under strict liability, the manufacturer is liable if the product is defective, even if the manufacturer was not negligent in making that product defective.†(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_liability#Products_Liability_and_Strict_Liability) FDA regulations (briefly discuss FDA’s view)               On March 22, 1990, the FDA banned the public sale dietary of L-Tryptophan completely. This ban continues today. Even small dosage of manufactured dietary supplements and manufactured L-tryptophan products in tablet, capsule, caplet, powdered or liquid form, along with multi-ingredient, non-protein supplements that also contain L-tryptophan,†come under this recall. â€Å"HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., said, We are confronted with a Major public health problem. He warned, EMS can cripple. It can cause great pain. It can kill. It has had long-term effects on some unfortunate individuals, and some patients are not responding to treatment. I urge everyone to stop taking these supplements immediately. FDAs Nov. 17 recall was base on evidence from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and state public health agencies that EMS victims had intakes of L-tryptophan that ranged from 150 to 17, 000 milligrams a day.†(http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/NEW00064.html)  Class Action Suits Brought On By People Affected By L-Tryptophan Recall              A tort is an unintentional violation of another persons rights, usually due to negligence. It is different than a crime, which generally is an intentional violation of anothers rights. A tort is subject to civil action and subsequent judgment for damages payable to the wronged party, whereas a crime is subject to criminal action and subsequent penalty. The Case: SHOWA DENKO K.K. v. PANGLE et al. (A91A1435)                 (1991)                 Product liability action. Catoosa Superior Court. Before Judge Tucker. Plaintiff: Juanita Louise Pangle Defendant: Showa Denko K.K. (Showa Denko), Natures Bounty, Inc., the Hudson Corporation, and Showa Denko America, Inc. (S.D.A.). In late 1989, the Plaintiff Juanita Louise Pangle, a resident of Georgia, suffered from eosinophilia myalgia syndrome. EMS resulted from ingesting a large dose of L-Tryptophan, an amino acid, in the over the counter food supplement. She and her husband filed a product liability case against: Nature’s Beauty, Inc., the pharmacy from where she purchased the food supplement; the Hudson Corporation, the manufacturers which produced and marketed the food supplement; â€Å"Showa Denko K.K. (Showa Denko), the Japanese company which allegedly produced the raw material used by the manufacturers of the tablets; and Showa Denko America, Inc. (S.D.A.), the New York subsidiary of Showa Denko which marketed and distributed the raw material to American pharmaceutical manufacturers. Showa Denko appeals the denial of its motion to dismiss on the ground that personal jurisdiction is lacking both under the Georgia Long-Arm Statute and pursuant to constitutional requirements of due process. The Georgia Long-Arm Statute requires that an out-of-state defendant must do certain acts within the State of Georgia before he can be subjected to personal jurisdiction.†(http://www.lawskills.com/case/ga/id/33636/) According to the evidence and investigations provided, S.D.A. distributes and markets L-Tryptophan and other products in the United States. S.D.A. works for Showa Denko. Georgia Long-Arm Statute states that since S.D.A is subjected to jurisdiction because it performed an act for Showa Denko, Showa Denko will also be subjected to jurisdictions. (S.D.A. filed no motion to dismiss)            Showa Denko is a diverse manufacturer who manufactures and sells many different products throughout the United States. Records show visits of employees of Showa Denko to Georgia for trade shows or business purposes. Most of the business is related to the marketing of the product. This evidence was provided to prove that Showa Denko is subjected to a jurisdiction under the Long-Arm Statute.            Showa Denko,according to records, have contact with the University of Georgia. Jointly they were testing feed-grade L-Tryptophan on laying hens. Showa Denko objected to this allegation and pointed out that this issue has no link to the jurisdiction. However, there were do records present that contradicted this point. L_tryptophan used for marketing is similar to testing of feed-grade L-tryptophan for animals. This animal search was not enough to confer jurisdiction because plaintiffs’ injuries were not due to this act. â€Å"Several other jurisdictions in which Showa Denko has been named as a defendant in a case alleging injury after ingesting L-tryptophan have found Showa Denko to be subject to personal jurisdiction.†(http://www.lawskills.com/case/ga/id/33636/) Liability Joint Liability: In the case SHOWA DENKO K.K. v. PANGLE et al., Joint Liability has been put forward. Joint Liability is defined when more than one person is held responsible for the negligence act. In this case, it was not only Showa Denko that suffered the jurisdiction. Instead it liability was confirmed on all its, manufacturers and its suppliers. Vicarious liability: â€Å"Vicarious liability as also observed. It is defined as when a person is held responsible for the tort of another person, even though the person being held responsible may not have done anything wrong†http://www.duhaime.org/dictionary/dict-uz.aspx .  Damages According to the tort law, damages are compensated in the form of monetary to the plaintiff. â€Å"Damages, in a legal sense, are the sum of money the law imposes for a breach of some duty or violation of some right.†The types of damages: Actual or Compensatory Damage: these kinds of damages are compensated with the injured plaintiff. Consequential: Consequential damages apply to â€Å"damages claimed and/or awarded in a lawsuit which were caused as a direct foreseeable result of wrongdoing.†General: In General damages, â€Å"there is no evidence of a specific dollar figure.†Liquidated:- Liquidated damages are â€Å"contractually established damages†Nominal: â€Å"a small amount of money awarded to a plaintiff in a lawsuit to show he/she was right but suffered no substantial harm.†Punitive: â€Å"Punitive damages are considered punishment and are awarded when the defendants behavior is found to be especially harmful, but are normally not awarded in the context of a breach of contract claim.†Special: â€Å"damages claimed and/or awarded in a lawsuit which were out-of-pocket costs directly as the result of the breach of contract, negligence or other wrongful act by the defendant. Special damages can include medical bills, repairs and replacement of property, loss of wages and other damages which are not speculative or subjective.†Treble: Treble damage is when the â€Å"successful parties should receive some multiple of their actual damages.†(http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/index.php/Damages#definition) and (http://dictionary.law.com/) Actual Damages That Were Rewarded Expectations Damages: Expectation damages are a form of damages occurring when the defendant party fails to fulfill the contract. Showa Denko failed to provide the required amount of L-tryptophan in his product. General Damages: In general damages losses are not quantified in monetary terms. For example; it consists of the actual pain and suffering caused by the negligent act. Also, it covers the future losses including the continuing pain and suffering. The plaintiff suffered from Eosinophilia- Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). A disease that altered their lifestyles. Hedonic Damages; Hedonic Damages refers to loss of enjoyment of life damages or damages distinct from the human capital value. Treble Damages:- â€Å"Treble damages, in law, is a term that indicates that a statute permits a court to triple the amount of the actual/compensatory damages to be awarded to a prevailing plaintiff, generally in order to punish the losing party for willful conduct. Show Denko had to may a large sum of money to the plaintiff to compensate for the damage. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treble_damages) Causes of Action â€Å"The cause of action according to the law is the ground on which the plaintiff files a lawsuit against the defendant. A Cause of action encompasses both the legal theory of what legal wrong the plaintiff claims to have suffered, and the remedy, which is the relief a court is asked to grant which is in the form of an Order of the Court instructing the defendant to do or not do something for the benefit of the plaintiff or an instruction in some cases to the plaintiff to do or not do something for the benefit of the defendant.†http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cause_of_action In this case, Fraud on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can not be considered in this case. The reason being that, fraud is defined as the intentional deceit. In contrast it was proved to be negligence. Strict liability in tort is also in effect. Strict liability in tort refers to the damages caused to the consumer by the manufacture, distributor, and wholesaler of the product. Thus, in this case, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit giving negligence and strict liability a cause of action against the defendant. The plaintiff, in return of the losses, filed financial compensation. (http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/index.php/Category:Overview)  Conclusion      The paper is concerned with an amino acid, L-Tryptophan, and its effects on general society. L-Tryptophan is required in the diet but it spread an epidemic in 1989. Eosinophilia- Myalgia Syndrome (EMS) was caused due to overdose of tryptophan in the dietary supplement.  The product came from Showa Denko Inc, a Japanese company. Showa Denko Inc was reducing their manufacturing cost compromising in its purification procedures and quickens the production process through genetically engineered bacteria. Juanita Louise Pangle, a resident of Georgia, filed a case against Showa.  Due to the diverse and serious effects it produced, FDA banned tryptophan and placed a recall on all the products that contain it. All the over the counter food supplements had been removed. This recall is still in place, although, some changes has been made.  References John D Fernstrom (June 2000). Can nutrient supplements modify brain function?. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.Vol. 71. No. 6. Richard Alexander. Contaminated L-Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxy-L-Tryptophan, Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome [EMS]: The 1989 Epidemic and the 1998 Warning. The Consumer Law Page U. S. Food and Drug Administration (February 2001). Information Paper on L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan  Recall of L-Tryptophan http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/NEW00064.html. Accessed Februaary 4,2007.  Tryptophan – Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan. Accessed February 4,2007 Sepp Hasslberger  (July 16 2004) Tryptophan, Niacin Protect Against Alzheimers http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2004/07/16/tryptophan_niacin_protect_against_alzheimers.htm. Accessed on February 4,2007. Product Liability-Strict Liability -Negligence Liability http://www.legal-definitions.com/personal-injury-law/product-liability/strict-liability-and-negligence-theories.htm. Accessed February 4,2007. Law.com Law Dictionary http://dictionary.law.com/. Accessed on February 5, 2007. Category: Overview-Wex http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/index.php/Category:Overview. Accessed February 5, 2007.  Vladimir Hegyi, MD, PhD, (December 4, 2006).Pellagra. http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic621.htm. Accessed on February 3,2007. Sherif Nasef, MD, (November 7, 2006). Eosinophilic Fasciitis http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic686.htm. Accessed on February 3, 2007. Gary R. Epler, M.D. (January 22, 2001). Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia. Internal Medicine. Volume 161 (2). Pages 158-164. http://www.epler.com/boop1.html Ira Jeffry Strumpf,  Richard D. Drucker,  Karl H. Anders,  Sylvan Cohen,  Oluwole Fajolu. (January 1991).Acute eosinophilic pulmonary disease associated with the ingestion of L-tryptophan-containing products.CHEST. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0984/is_n1_v99/ai_10489355. Accesses February 3. 2007. Robert K. Murray. Daryl K. Granner. Peter A. Mayes. Victor W. Rodwell.( 2003). HARPER’S ILLUSTRATED BIOCHEMISTRY. A Lange Medical Book. Anafranil, Clomipramine Pharmacology –Healthyplace.com http://www.healthyplace.com/medications/anafranil.asp#description. Accessed February 3, 2007. Codeine – Complete medical information regarding this narcotic pain reliever http://www.medicinenet.com/codeine/article.htm. Accessed February 3, 2007. Dalmane, Flurazepam hydrochloride, side effects, drug interactions, overdose, dosage http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/rxdrugprofiles/drugs/dal1113.shtml. Accessed February 3, 2007. Xanax http://www.drugs.com/xanax.html. Accessed February 3, 2007. WHF Foods: Tryptophan http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrientdbid=103 Accessed on February 3rd, 2007 Dietary Supplements: Making Sure Hype Doesnt Overwhelm Science http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/CONSUMER/CON00259.html Accessed on February 3rd, 2007 FDA Recall Policies http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/recall2.txt Accessed on February 3rd, 2007 Drug Recalls – What is a Drug Recall? http://www.drugrecalls.com/drug_recalls.html Accessed on February 3rd, 2007
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Physics of Rock Climbing :: physics sport sports rock climbing
When thinking of rock climbing it is good to think of all aspects of climbing in terms of energy. While thinking of energy, remember basic geology and know that not all rocks are formed in the same way, in other words know what type of rock you are dealing with, it is good to think of the process of formation behind the type of rock you may be climbing. Understanding the formation process will drastically change the climbing technique used to climb that particular rock. Another aspect of energy that one should keep in mind is drastically changing your potential energy. Typically people climb along a vertical direction and move off of the surface of the earth using the rock to help them defy gravity. This can be an exhilarating experience, using ones own body to absorb the energy of the rock and change their potential energy. And last but not least not every human can undergo this change in energy without fall protection, because it is very probable that a foot may slip or a han d hold might come loose , a person will fall, and of course a rope is a spring when dealing with falling. Volcanic rocks provide a very easy climb, with lots of big pockets and foot placement for a begging climber. Usually these rocks have a very high friction coefficient making them seem easy to "stick" to. This young lad, is pressing the rock with his hands not really using a hold, instead using more friction. Here is an example of a rock made from harder material, with a lower friction coefficient, making the climbing a little more difficult, causing the climber to rely more on hand strength, rather than friction to move up the rock. This rock type is very popular among climbers today. This man is climbing using an open handed grip with his right hand ensuring him the most positive force on bigger holds. And last is sandstone, which is considered the most dangerous rock type to climb, due to low friction and easy to break. As you can see the this climber has the least amount of hand holds causing this climbers techinique to change in hand holds, she is using a closed grip with her hands ensuring the most positive force her fingers can exert on the rock. Those are not the only type of rock Physics of Rock Climbing :: physics sport sports rock climbing When thinking of rock climbing it is good to think of all aspects of climbing in terms of energy. While thinking of energy, remember basic geology and know that not all rocks are formed in the same way, in other words know what type of rock you are dealing with, it is good to think of the process of formation behind the type of rock you may be climbing. Understanding the formation process will drastically change the climbing technique used to climb that particular rock. Another aspect of energy that one should keep in mind is drastically changing your potential energy. Typically people climb along a vertical direction and move off of the surface of the earth using the rock to help them defy gravity. This can be an exhilarating experience, using ones own body to absorb the energy of the rock and change their potential energy. And last but not least not every human can undergo this change in energy without fall protection, because it is very probable that a foot may slip or a han d hold might come loose , a person will fall, and of course a rope is a spring when dealing with falling. Volcanic rocks provide a very easy climb, with lots of big pockets and foot placement for a begging climber. Usually these rocks have a very high friction coefficient making them seem easy to "stick" to. This young lad, is pressing the rock with his hands not really using a hold, instead using more friction. Here is an example of a rock made from harder material, with a lower friction coefficient, making the climbing a little more difficult, causing the climber to rely more on hand strength, rather than friction to move up the rock. This rock type is very popular among climbers today. This man is climbing using an open handed grip with his right hand ensuring him the most positive force on bigger holds. And last is sandstone, which is considered the most dangerous rock type to climb, due to low friction and easy to break. As you can see the this climber has the least amount of hand holds causing this climbers techinique to change in hand holds, she is using a closed grip with her hands ensuring the most positive force her fingers can exert on the rock. Those are not the only type of rock
Monday, November 11, 2019
McDonalds wishes to rework on its restaurant interiors Essay
McDonald’s is the world’s leading global foodservice retailer with more than 33,000 locations in 118 countries. McDonald’s has several company owned stores, but uses Franchising for both domestic and international expansion. McDonald’s India was set up as a 50:50 joint-venture between McDonald’s at a global level and regional Indian partners such as Hardcastle Restaurants Private Limited in western India, and Connaught Plaza Restaurants Private Limited in northern India. McDonald’s currently has over 220 restaurants in the country. McDonalds doesn’t provide any financial assistance and absentee ownership of finance is not allowed. Also, the financial requirements are quite steep. MFY- for implementing the MFY (Made for You) option for customers, the franchises are required to upgrade their equipment at their own expense. This caused some problem with maintaining standard service across all outlets. Pricing and menu may also be a point of difficulty for the franchiser and franchisee as prices vary between companies owned and franchised stores. Inconsistent standards- There are several instances of poor service or disgruntled customers complaining about the quality of food served. This is because it is difficult to enforce the exact same standards in all franchised stores. McDonald’s aims to provide 100 percent total customer satisfaction. In order to achieve this goal , McDonald’s relies on its operating philosophy based on QSC & V – Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value. McDonald’s believes that customer satisfaction is crucial to the success of the brand and all Restaurants must perform to the standards. These standards are used in both company owned and franchised restaurants. QUALITY Best ingredients: This is achieved by its commitment to sourcing all its requirements from local farmers and suppliers. Before entering India, the company spent six years and Rs. 450 crore toset up its supply chain. In India McDonalds pioneered the cold chain management which helpskeep vegetables and processed products safe for a longer time. Preparation Standards: Best quality standardized ingredients ensure standardized preparation standards can be followed. Every product has a fixed procedure of preparation. However, newer McDonald’s stores offer MFY (Made for You) where the product is made only after the order is placed. Other standards: * FIFO: (First in first out) for all inventories. * Reverse osmosis water treatment plant: Best technology for water purification at every outlet to provide water. Strict standards for vegetarian products including eggless mayonnaise and eggless ice-cream. SERVICE * Soft standards: * Welcome every customer with a smile and are genuinely friendly at all times * Deliver consistent standards of hospitality Seize opportunities to interact with customers in a personal and positive way * Be well informed about product contents and nutritional information * Always appear clean and well groomed. * Hard standards: * Serve fresh and hot * Serve within one minute of receiving order or give a free coke. This is implemented in a few outlets and is not applicable during peak hours. * Cleanliness and Hygiene * The counters, tables, floor area are to be kept clean at all times. * All staff required to cover their heads and wear gloves when within preparation area. * All these standards are evaluated by mystery shoppers and rated. This is called a RVR Restaurant Visitation Report) which provides a snapshot of the stores performance over a period of a few hours. The stores are graded either A, B, C or F. Facility Exterior: Exterior Design: McDonalds design exhibits a sense of â€Å"Forever Young†look with bright red and yellow colours appealing to the children and establishing its family restaurant positioning. The building provides a practical, contemporary design that aligns with the McDonald’s brand essence while accommodating the latest operational and consumer experience standards. Their mascot Ronald Mcdonald is also present outside each of their restaurants. McDonalds always have all glass restaurants. McDonalds has always clearly identified and managed the various clues that customers use to form the impressions and feeling about their company. In addition to this, McDonalds has separate take away counters in order to save time of their patrons. Signage: All of McDonalds external signage reads as, â€Å"McDonalds-Family restaurant. Also keeping in mind with the local language, all McDonalds restaurant have their name boards in Hindi. McDonalds strongly believes in adhering to the local sentiments and hence none of the outlets in India sell Beef products and every restaurant has this mentioned. Also McDonalds, strongly believes in glass branding for any new products or services they offer. Most of the communication is designed to cater to local tastes and preferences. Parking/Landscape/Surrounding Environment: All McDonald outlets are located are accessible and present everywhere thus capitalizing on brand recognition. Most of the McDonalds have their own restaurants and hence the seating space available is exclusive to McDonald’s patrons. Also McDonalds offers proper parking facilities for its highway restaurants. Facility Interior All McDonalds outlet are standardized in terms of layout and have proper in-store branding. The â€Å"Young and Cheerful†design concept is a progressive, youthful, and energetic environment with open views for social interaction. All McDonald outlets are huge with proper aisles and passages with appropriate signage for seating arena, lavatories, wet floor and food counters. McDonalds has a Made for You food preparation platform.MFY is a unique concept (cooking method) where the food is prepared as the customer places its order. This cooking method has helped McDonald’s further strengthen its food safety, hygiene and quality standards. McDonalds also has illuminated Menu boards that offer a mix of both vegetarian and non vegetarian burgers along with other savories and drinks. McDonalds also has proper queues for placing order and often there is a executive who assists you in order placing. Also McDonalds gives toys for children thus making them wanting to come back. The other visible cues are color, lighting, in-store music, employee uniforms and trays with literary. McDonalds has ample in store lighting and directly inï ¬â€šuences an individual’s perception of the deï ¬ nition and quality of the space, inï ¬â€šuencing his or her awareness of physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the space. The bright McDonald stores ensure prompt handling and evaluation of products. In all McDonald stores the lighting is perceived as more pleasant than other fast food environments. The color scheme that McDonalds uses exhumes cheerfulness and warmth. Red depicts vibrance, cheerfulness while yellow depicts friendliness and brightness. At McDonalds, music is a positive auditory cue stimulating specific consumer behaviour and emotions. Music appears to influence buyer-seller interaction. There is audio played about the latest offers and products. Also a balance and constant sound creates a pleasant sound environment. All employees at McDonald are provided with uniforms and name badges along with caps with McDonald signature â€Å"M†arch. Employees are also trained with appropriate soft skills to address customers. Every employee or front line executive greets the customer and exchanges pleasantries, which makes them happy. Service quality gap: The five gaps that organizations should measure manage and minimize: Gap 1 (Listening gap) is the distance between what customers expect and what managers think they expect – Clearly survey research is a key way to narrow this gap. Gap 2 (standard and specification gap) is between management perception and the actual specification of the customer experience – Managers need to make sure the organization is defining the level of service they believe is needed. 29 Gap 3 (performance gap)is from the experience specification to the delivery of the experience -Managers need to audit the customer experience that their organization currently delivers in order to make sure it lives up to the specification Gap 4 (communication gap) is the gap between the delivery of the customer experience and what is communicated to customers – All too often organizations exaggerate what will be provided to customers, or discuss the best case rather than the likely case, raising customer expectations and harming customer perceptions Gap 5 is the gap between a customer’s perception of the experience and the customer’s expectation of the service – Customers’ expectations have been shaped by word of mouth, their personal needs and their own past experiences. Routine transactional surveys after delivering the customer experience are important for an organization to measure customer perceptions of service Service Quality dimensions Tangibles : Physical evidence of service Reliability : Consistency of performance and dependability Responsiveness : Willingness/readiness of employees to provide service in timely manner Credibility : Trustworthiness, believability, honesty Security : Freedom from danger, risk, doubt, assurance guarantee, Certification Competence : Possession of required skills to perform service Access : Approachability and ease of contact Empathy Courtesy : Politeness, respect, consideration, friendliness Values: They place customer experience at the core of all they do: They believe customers are the reason for their existence. They demonstrate their appreciation by providing them with high quality food and superior service in a clean, welcoming environment, at a great value. Their goal is quality, service, cleanliness and value (QSC&V) for each and every customer, each and every time. They are committed to their people. They provide opportunity, nurture talent, develop leaders and reward achievement. They believe that a team of well-trained individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences, working together in an environment that fosters respect and drives high levels of engagement, is essential to their continued success. They believe in the McDonald’s System. McDonald’s business model, depicted by their â€Å"three-legged stool†of owner/operators, suppliers, and company employees, is their foundation, and balancing the interests of all three groups is the key. They operate their business ethically. Sound ethics is good business. At McDonald’s, they hold themselves and conduct their business to high standards of fairness, honesty, and integrity. They are individually accountable and collectively responsible. They give back to their communities. They take seriously the responsibilities that come with being a leader. They help their customers in building better communities, support Ronald McDonald House Charities, and leverage their size, scope and resources to help make the world a better place. They grow their business profitably. McDonald’s is a publicly traded company. As such, they work to provide sustained profitable growth for their shareholders. This requires continuous focus on their customers and the health of their system. They strive continually to improve. They are a learning organization that aims to anticipate and respond to changing customer, employee and system needs through constant evolution and innovation. McDonald’s is committed to providing the highest quality food and superior service, at a great value, in a clean and welcoming environment. That’s why we work with their employees, franchisees, and suppliers to serve a balanced array of food choices and provide the nutrition inform ation needed for customers to make sound decisions. At the restaurant level, McDonald’s is focused on energy conservation, sustainable packaging, and waste management. They are dedicated to innovate and improve their operations in order to build an even more sustainable, environment friendly and profitable business. And will continue to re optimize their menu, modernize the customer experience, and broaden accessibility to their brand, so that consumers will always enjoy the maximum McDonald’s experience. Service Blueprint: Loopholes in service operations: A research report released Thursday by Dunnhumby, highlighted by The Wall Street Journal, elucidates that in reality the customer eating experience is becoming more and more important to consumers. With so many fast-food options available, they make their decisions based on loyalty  and a significant portion of this support is garnered through a chain’s friendly customer service and good eating experience. It is without doubt that McDonald’s is still winning over Americans with its cheap Dollar Menu offerings and convenient drive thru service. But its poor customer-service scores are ultimately hurting its sales– a certainty supported by the Dunnhumby report that demonstrates that restaurants with higher customer-service scores tend to show higher comparable sales growth over a two-year period. Thus, if the world’s largest restaurant chain wants to maintain its edge over competitors, it must not only focus on price and promotions, but also the expe rience it offers to customers every day. And McDonald’s executives agree. The Wall Street Journal explains that in a webcast these executives held with franchise owners in March, they called its service â€Å"broken.†The number of customer complaints related to friendliness issues have only increased, and complaints about speed of service also â€Å"have increased significantly over the past six months.†Is it then perhaps possible that customers are becoming more accustomed to the friendly service and loyalty rewards they receive at other growing chains like and then less tolerating of the subpar services they encounter at other fast food chains? With respect to the services provided by McDonalds, the following management issues were observed McDonalds wishes to rework on its restaurant interiors and match up to those of its self owned restaurants, However the problem that they have encountered is that franchisee owners are unwilling to invest in interior design. McDonald’s has introduced MFY (Made for You) whereby the burgers are made after the order is placed. However, the franchises are required to upgrade their equipment in order to follow this. The franchisees are not willing to incur such expenditure which poses a problem to McDonald’s. We normally observe the customary trend of people queuing outside McDonalds especially during the weekends. This is due to the limited capacity space in the restaurants. This has been a persistent management problem for McDonalds. Even though the management at McDonalds has been trying to search for a solution for the same, it fears doing so pertaining to cost issues.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Coffee and Starbucks Essay
Transnational corporations have had a tremendous impact on the interconnectivity that between countries, corporations, and people on a global landscape. Fueled by capitalistic ideals of increasing profits numerous corporations have expanded there operations into the global marketplace, some with much more success than others. One such transnational corporation that has embodied this pursuit of expansion in domestic and foreign markets for profit is the Starbucks Coffee Company. This company, which finds its roots in the opening of a single retail location in Pike place Market of Downtown Seattle in 1971, has been able to infiltrate into countless foreign domains and grow into a global powerhouse of the food and beverage industry with over nine thousand stores across the globe today in thirty-four countries outside of the Unites States. (Business Wire, 2005) Starbucks serves is an excellent specimen of a company that follows continual patterns of expansion directly correlating to increased access to foreign markets, and also the ability to nurture growth within these markets as well as gain access to new markets through the Market merging. In my research of this company and its path to globalization, I found that information about certain aspects of the company were more readily available than others. For example, I found that I had more difficulty finding scholarly articles that dealt with the distinct business strategies that Starbuck’s employed in order to globalize, in that it became apparent that much of the information about the terms of their mergers and acquisitions were not released or that the companies and business groups that they did so with had websites that contained no information in English. Interestingly enough, I found more of an abundance of scholarly material on the homogeneous cultural impacts that Starbucks has had and how the spread of the company’s locations worldwide has been received by some cultures as the spread of American values. A bulk of my research findings came from business reports and releases about the company, which were useful in keeping accounts of how the company was able to infiltrate global markets and expand. The Website was a good starting point for my research in that it provided points of interest about the company that I could research into greater detail in order to root out the bigger picture. In order for one to have a more complete understanding of how this company operates and how it has come to succeed at a global level, I will outline the company’s geographic expansion in terms of its operations and production; second, I will explain the company’s main motivation for global expansion as well as factors that had an effect on the expansion; lastly I will detail the methods of expansion and production employed by the company. These will all be discussed within the time frame from present day back to 1996, when Starbucks first became a global corporation. (Starbucks. com) Of the nine thousand locations Starbucks has worldwide, over two thousand of those are outside of the United States in thirty four different countries. (Sowa, June 2004) The expansion of retail stores into foreign countries began with a joint venture with Sazabay Inc. in Japan in 1995, and then the eventual opening of retail locations within the country during the following year. (starbucks. com) This was the first time Starbucks ever set up operations outside of the US, and it was in the form of construction of the Starbuck brand retail store locations operated by a foreign company. Starbucks entered the East Asian Market first, in countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and China, and concentrated on growth in these markets mainly for the first few years of entering the foreign market. Eventually, Starbucks was able to break into other markets as well, such as Australia, London, and New Zealand amongst others year after year until its present standing of 34 countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim with retail locations that exists today in 2005. (Business Wire, Feb 2005) Within these countries, retail operations were set up at first just primarily in areas with the densest population. (Ramsey, Mar. 1997) However, as the market for the Starbuck’s Brand continually increased, the locations throughout the countries would increase and fan out from the city centers. This can be seen in the example of Japan, whom after 5 years operations had opened 300 stores by the year 2000. (starbucks.com) The primary raw material that Starbucks purchases and uses in terms of production is coffee beans. Coffee beans grow in regions near the equator, where the climate is suitable to sustain their growth. It follows that Starbucks purchases all of its beans from countries in South America, Africa, and Asia. Coffee beans that Starbucks import come from regions near the equator, such as South America, Africa, and Asia (Starbucks. com). Basically, the beans that are grown in these countries are purchased by the company to be roasted or packaged in all of its 9000 locations worldwide. However, Starbucks is not the only buyer when it comes to the bean supply as numerous other coffee retail companies rely on these farms as well, which places Starbucks as part a modular model commodity chain. The production of a generic commodity such as coffee beans allows for that commodity to be purchased by numerous companies without any affiliation or necessary interconnectivity between them. Starbucks reasoning for their initial expansion domestically in the United States as well as into the foreign Market place was centered on the basic capitalistic need for increase in profits, as well as the promotion of free trade from a neo-liberalist standpoint. Looking back to Starbuck’s early domestic expansion, it can be noted that just prior to addition of retail operations in Japan in 1996, there had been signs of a retraction of sales and growth, even with the addition of new retail locations domestically in the United States. There were signs of slowing in the US, one such being that comparable store sales, up 9 percent in 1995, were up 7 percent in 1996 and 5 percent approaching the following year. (Ramsey, Mar. 1997) These numbers indicate that it was becoming evident that in order to further sustain growth and high profit margins; Starbucks could achieve gains and benefit from free trade by setting up operations abroad. There are certain social contexts which provide commentary on the manner in which Starbucks was able to globalize. Especially that of the company’s abilities to access markets from cultural and political standpoints. In order to bridge the culture gap between markets, Starbucks must follow three basic steps; first, it must engage in prospecting the local culture and its nuances; second, it must access the market conditions and the potential response to their presence; and lastly they make or don’t make the decision to mobilize (Santos 2004). All this is considered with the fact that they are marketing a product in not only the coffee but in the retail location itself, in that Starbucks attempts to blend an Italian style beverage with a highly European influenced coffee house setting (Santos 2004), which is something that has to be marketed correctly in order to effectively find its niche in a foreign market setting. This marketing schematic sheds light on the purpose in placing global operations in East Asia in the late 90’s before breaking into the European market due to a feared negative response to an American global presence in what had always been a highly saturated European local market. There was also a strong potential that the War in Afghanistan and later Iraq would have a devastating effect on growth and sales in the foreign market. There were some signs of this seen in April of 2003, when Starbucks was being heavily protested and boycotted in Lebanon and New Zealand, and was forced to pull operations out of Israel for fear of terrorist attacks. Despite these setbacks, however, it remained that Starbucks International persevered in revenues, according to Greg Schroeder, a research analyst with Fulcrum Global Partners LLC, who stated â€Å"Starbucks’ popularity persists even in an economic downturn and during the war is an undeniably impressive feat as other retailers are struggling. †(Jung, 2003) Starbucks maintained strong development during this period, and continued to open stores and form partnerships in Turkey, Chile, and Peru (Starbucks.com) despite facing political tensions created by Starbucks national affiliation with the United States. Market access brought Starbucks to the foreign domain but how they were actually able to break into these markets came in the form of some key business strategies. Starbucks used a few basic strategies in order to gain access to a particular foreign market which was joint ventures, acquisitions, and licensing. Two specific examples include Starbucks’ acquisition of the Seattle Coffee Company in the United Kingdom with more than 60 retail locations in 1998(Starbucks.com) , and the joint venture Starbucks formed with Sazaby Inc in 1995. The acquisition of the Seattle Coffee company basically allowed Starbucks to renovate each retail location previously owned by the company and to put the Starbucks name on each location as well. Another different but successful strategy employed in Japan was that of the joint venture with Sazaby Inc. This partnership gave Sazaby Inc. the right to develop and operate coffeehouses throughout a defined region. The rationale behind both of these types of partnerships is explained by Peter Maslen, president of Starbucks Coffee International, who states, â€Å"The idea is that an experienced local partner can help identify locations, sift through tax issues, and give Starbucks stores more community appeal. â€Å"(Jung, Apr. 2003 p. E1) This allows Starbucks to continue to expand into other markets knowing that operations elsewhere are in the hands of carefully chosen partners and business groups who are able effectively read and access the climate of their targeted region’s market. The employees, CEOs, and other workers all have an integral part in this corporation’s ability to globalize. Starting at the level of both full as well as part time employees which facilitate the day-to-day functions of the retail locations in each of the 34 countries that Starbucks operates in, we can see that they receive a fair amount of benefits; including above-average hourly-wages, a comprehensive health benefit plan, and stock options. (Sancovich, 2002) Increased development and growth will fair well for those with stock in the company, including employees at the retail level. If the scope is broadened however, a very large gap exists between employees at the corporate level and those who produce the raw materials(coffee beans) that the company modulates into packaged or roasted coffee sales. It should be noted that Starbucks prides itself on the sale of Fair Trade Coffee in its stores to benefit the farmers that supply their coffee beans, which certifies that growers and farmers would receive a premium price above the prevailing market price for the sale of the coffee beans they produce (Starbucks. com). It should also then be noted that, according to an author in the ecologist, Starbucks advertises the fact that it bought 1. 1 million pounds of coffee last year at fair trade prices ($1. 27 per pound). This represents less than 0. 5 per cent of the coffee Starbucks buys each year. Fair trade is also highly profitable. While Starbucks pays $1. 27 per pound for fair-trade coffee, one pound of that coffee sells for $11. 45. That’s a 90 per cent mark-up (The Ecologist, Vol. 33, p. 22, 2003) The fact that Starbucks buys Fair Trade coffee in actuality does little to benefit the farmers who grow their beans. Another notable feature of the relationship between the owners, employees, and farmers is the overall disparity between employees at the corporate level and those employed to grow coffee beans, Millions of coffee farmers survive on less than $2 a week. Orin C Smith, Starbucks’ president and CEO, was paid $1,088,269 in 2002, and received a bonus of L1,362,500. Exercising share options in the company made him a further $36,321,643. He stands to make around $8. 5m more on share options granted in 2002. (The Ecologist, Vol. 33, p. 22, 2003) The economic disparity between wages is a direct result of the practices Starbucks engages in, such as markups. The farmers, as well as the retail employees would gain from the continued global development of the company, in that higher demand for coffee would increase the price of coffee for farmers and stock options would benefit regular employees, but would do so to an exponentially smaller degree than the employees at the corporate level of operations.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
5 Building Blocks of Your Characters Personality
5 Building Blocks of Your Characters Personality 5 Building Blocks of Your Character’s Personality 5 Building Blocks of Your Character’s Personality By Mark Nichol Now that you’ve decided what your character’s motivation is, it’s time to actually construct the vessel in which this purpose will reside. Just how do you build a person? By creating a life where none existed. Start at the base, and work your way up: 1. Childhood How was the character’s early life? What was the person’s family like? It doesn’t take much effort to stray too far into pop psychology, but household composition and environment have a significant bearing on personality. So does one’s experiences in school and in social settings as a child and an adolescent. Is domestic trauma in the character’s past? Social stigma at school? An unusual amount of teenage angst? Were they abused, neglected, spoiled, enriched? Were they denied a childhood, or unable to outgrow it? You don’t need to write your character’s biography, but you should know the outline. 2. Relationships Is the character a loner, or a social butterfly? What type of family and friends does the character have? How do they interact with acquaintances and strangers? Do they have a romantic relationship or casual sexual partners? If they’re gay, are they out, or closeted? Are they extremely close to a few friends, or do they have a wide but shallow social circle? 3. Livelihood What does the character do for a living? That may be integral to the story, or it may be incidental. Readers deserve to know, though. But don’t lock in a stereotype. It’s easy to associate personality traits with certain professions or pastimes. What’s not so easy but is oh, so satisfying is to cast against type: How about a happy-go-lucky private eye? A softhearted crook? A wizard who can’t spell straight? Do they like their job? Are they fulfilled, or frustrated? Good at what they do, or inept? How do they relate to those above and below them in the workplace hierarchy? Do they lie, cheat, or steal, or are they a paragon of productivity? Either way, are they rewarded, or punished, or ignored? 4. Pastimes What does your character do after work, on weekends? Where do they vacation? What are their hobbies, interests, passions? Do they have an eccentric or unexpected avocation? Do they have a remarkable skill or talent no one knows about? Are they philanthropic or charitable, or is all their spare time given to family and friends, or are they devoted only to themselves? 5. Outlook Is the sun always shining, or does a perpetual rain cloud perch just over the character’s shoulder? Are they blithe, cheerful, confident? Suspicious, resentful, fearful? Whether your character’s glass is half full or half empty will determine the story’s tone, so check the person’s beverage before you put fingers to keyboard or pen to paper. What are your character’s political views and social opinions? Are they religious? Skeptical? Atheistic? Scientifically minded, or superstitious? Are they charismatic, or a wallflower? So many questions! But so many answers must be provided and many more must be discovered on the journey that is the act of writing. (And some answers may change.) This character design is essential to your success not just for your main character but also, to varying degrees, for major and minor supporting players and for walk-ons. Whether you’re aiming for high literature or genre fiction, the extent to which you care about your characters and their personalities will in large part determine how readers respond to them. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial Expressions50 Diminutive Suffixes (and a Cute Little Prefix)Preposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Use the French Preposition ÃÂ
How to Use the French Preposition Despite its diminutive size,  is a hugely important French preposition and one of the most important words in the French language. Its meanings and uses in French are many and varied, but at its most basic, generally means to, at or in. Compare  to de, meaning of or from, with which its often confused.  Contractions When  is followed by the definite articles le and les,  contracts with themas a single word. le  au (au magasin)   les aux (aux maisons) But  does not contract with la or l.   la  la ( la banque) l  l ( lhà ´pital) In addition,  is not contracted with le and les when they are direct objects. Common Uses of 1. Location or destination Jhabite Paris.  I live in Paris.Je vais Rome.  Im going to Rome.Je suis la banque.  Im at the bank. 2. Distance in time or space Jhabite 10 mà ¨tres de lui.  I live 10 meters from him.Il est 5 minutes de moi.  He is 5 minutes from me. 3. Point in time Nous arrivons 5h00.  We arrive at 5:00.Il est mort 92 ans.  He died at the age of 92. 4. Manner, style, or characteristic Il habite la franà §aise.  He lives in the French style.un enfant aux yeux bleus  blue-eyed child; child with blue eyesfait la main  made by handaller pied  to go on / by foot 5. Possession un ami moi  a friend of mineCe livre est Jean  This is Jeans book 6. Measurement acheter au kilo  to buy by the kilogrampayer la semaine  to pay by the week 7. Purpose or use une tasse thà ©Ã‚  teacup; cup for teaun sac dos  backpack; pack for the back 8. In the passive infinitive louer  for rentJe nai rien lire.  I have nothing to read.             9. With Certain Verbs, Phrases Followed by an Infinitive The French preposition is required after certain verbs and phrases when they are followed by an infinitive. The English translation may take an infinitive (to learn how to do something) or a gerund (to stop eating).   aider   to help to    samuser   to amuse oneself ___-ing   apprendre   to learn how to   sapprà ªter   to get ready to   arriver   to manage / succeed in ___-ing   sattendre   to expect to   sautoriser   to authorize / allow to   avoir   to have to / be obliged to   chercher   to attempt to   commencer   to begin to / ___-ing   consentir   to consent to   continuer   to continue to / ___-ing   dà ©cider (quelquun)   to persuade (someone) to   se dà ©cider   to make up ones mind to   encourager   to encourage to    sengager   to get around to   enseigner   to teach to   shabituer   to get used to   hà ©siter   to hesitate to   sintà ©resser   to be interested in   inviter (qu elquun)   to invite (someone) to   se mettre   to start, set about ___-ing   obliger   to oblige to   parvenir   to succeed in ___-ing   passer du temps    to spend time ___-ing   perdre du temps   to waste time ___-ing   persister   to persist in ___-ing   se plaire   to take pleasure in ___-ing    pousser (quelquun)   to urge/push (someone) to    se prà ©parer   to prepare oneself to    recommencer   to begin ___-ing again   rà ©flà ©chir   to consider ___-ing    renoncer   to give up ___-ing    rà ©sister   to resist ___-ing   rà ©ussir   to succeed in ___-ing   rà ªver   to dream of ___-ing   servir   to serve to   songer   to dream of ___-ing   tarder   to delay / be late in ___-ing    tenir   to hold (someone) to / insist on ___-ing   venir   to happen to 10. With Verbs That Need an Indirect Object The French preposition is required after many French verbs and phrases that need an indirect object, but there is often no equivalent preposition in English.      acheter   to buy from    arracher    to grab, tear away from   assister (la rà ©union)  to attend (the meeting)    conseiller   to advise    convenir (quelquun) / la situation  to please; to be suitable for someone / the situation   croire   to believe something   demander (quelque chose) (quelquun)  to ask someone (something)   dà ©fendre   to forbid    demander (quelquun)  to ask (someone) to    dà ©plaire   to displease; to be displeasing to   dà ©sobà ©ir   to disobey    dire   to say; to tell   donner un stylo (quelquun)  to give (someone) a pen   emprunter un livre (quelquun)  to borrow a book from (someone)   envoyer (qqch) (quelquun)  to send (something) to (someone)    à ªtre   to belong to   faire attention Â à ‚ to pay attention to   se fier (quelquun)  to trust (someone)   goà »ter (quelque chose)  to taste (something)   shabituer   to get used to   interdire (quelque chose) quelquun  to forbid someone (something)   sintà ©resser   to be interested in    jouer   to play (a game or sport)   manquer   to miss someone   mà ªler   to mingle with; to join in   nuire   to harm   obà ©ir   to obey   sopposer   to oppose   ordonner   to order   pardonner   to pardon; to forgive   parler   to talk to   penser   to think of / about   permettre   to permit   plaire   to please; to be pleasing to   profiter   to benefit; to be profitable to   promettre   to promise   rà ©flà ©chir   to consider; to reflect upon   rà ©pondre   to answer   rà ©sister   to resist   ressembler   to resemble    rà ©ussir lexamen to pass the test   serrer la main (quelquun)  to shake hands with someone   servir   to be used for / as   songe r   to dream; to think of   succà ©der   to succeed; to follow   survivre   to survive   tà ©là ©phoner   to call   voler (quelque chose) quelquun  to steal (something) from someone Notes Remember that plus an inanimate noun can be replaced by the adverbial pronoun y. For example, je my suis habituà ©Ã‚  I got used to it. plus a person can usually be replaced by an indirect object pronoun that is placed in front of the verb (e.g., Il me parle). However, a few verbs and expressions do not allow a preceding indirect object pronoun. Instead, they require that you keep the preposition after the verb and follow it with a stressed pronoun (e.g., Je pense toi). Additional Resources Passive infinitive: a grammatical structure in which something other than a verb needs to be followed by  infinitive.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Formal report writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Formal report writing - Essay Example within the firm to identify the core activities which are to be carried out by the senior staff, while the secondary functions are assigned another organization that may provide such functions to the company at affordable. Interstate, Inc is a New York based company, which specializes in providing domestic insurance for private individuals and corporations. It is considering moving all or part of its 150 person call centre to an oversee location in order to reduce its operating cost. The call centre currently handles calls of operating agents and enquiries from members of the public from USA. Management groups are researching about different countries in order to evaluate their potential to host a pilot project which should be operational within six months. If successful the centre will take over the full accountability for all call centre operations within 12 months. The management team will be meeting later to present their recommendations. Outsourcing is a management practice of taking a function of an organization to be managed by another organization on behalf of the company. InterState Inc, may hand over the secondary functions that can be handled by other specialized organizations on its behalf so that the core staff of InterState may concentrate on the most important functions (Lacity & Joseph, 12). The outsourced services are offered within the country or state and employees of the company whose services are outsourced performs the function and are paid for the services rendered. Through outsourcing InterState might be able to avoid many costs like payment of retirement benefits to employees, payments to employees who are on leave, or when the employees are less productive. Outsourcing has therefore become cheaper in the end because the company avoids certain costs (Haugen, Susan & Kacy, 24). Off shoring on the other hand is a business management practice in which a company like InterState may take moves its activities to another location in another
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