Tuesday, December 24, 2019
New Method Of Ultrahard Material Synthesis - 1048 Words
New Method in Ultrahard Material Synthesis: CS2 Catalyzed Ultrahard Fullerite Ultrahard materials is a broad category define by materials that are harder than diamond. Diamond, thought to be the hardest material for centuries hasn’t been the hardest material seen by scientists in a long time. Many materials have been developed or discovered recently that surpass the 150 GPa hardness of diamond by as much as 100%. There are many ways to measure the hardness of a material, from the classic scratch test to more complicated bulk modulus calculations. Other tests of hardness include indentation and rebound tests, or measurements of the elastic and shear modulus. Ultrahard fullerite is one such material that has surpassed diamond with values†¦show more content†¦Structural studies of fullerite are hampered by its lack of a 4 or 6 fold axis, so long-term periodicity in fullerite’s crystal lattice isn’t possible for covalently-bonded fullerene molecules in three dimensions. TEM studies have shown a sequence of FCC phases that have been ex plained by bonded fullerene chains formation. Because of this difficulty, researchers have turned to Raman spectroscopy to study the polymerization, which has features explained by the C60 phonon spectra perturbations by intermolecular covalent bonding. The 3D polymerized phases produced in ultrahard fullerite synthesis are phase IV and V, where phase V is the desired ultrahard fullerite. Phase V is translucent in the near IR or visible range having a Raman spectrum containing two broad peaks around 1550 cm-1 and around 500 cm-1. Prior to research by Popov et al., the synthesis conditions of ultrahard fullerite depended on a degree of plastic deformation and stress tensor variation of a sample under compression. The minimum required pressure for synthesis was 13 GPa at 1100 K, or 18 GPa at room temperature, both of which aren’t suitable for industrial production without a catalyst. The polymerization of fullerene molecules starts under sunlight irradiation at ambient temperatures to create dimers. These simple conditions for these intermolecular bonds to form led researchers to hypothesize
Monday, December 16, 2019
Different Types of Literature Review Free Essays
Discuss types of literature review, sources of information in literature review and the process of conducting literature review? Literature Review According to the royal literature fund, literature review is a search and evaluation of the available literature in a given subject or a chosen topic area. It documents the state of the art with respect to the subject or the topic one is writing about. Literature review surveys the literature material in the chosen area of study and critically analyses the information gathered by identifying the gaps in the current knowledge synthesizing the information in that literature into a summary and presenting the literature in an organized way. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Types of Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now Narrative/Traditional Literature Reviews These Critique the literature and summarize the body of the whole document. Also, they draw conclusions about the topic and identify gaps or inconstancies in a body of knowledge. Consequently, the narrative versions can also assist in identifying gaps in research by helping to define and also refine research questions. Systematic Quantitative Literature Review According to Catherine Pickering, an academic staff member of Griffith University, the method requires more rigorous and well defined approaches compared to most other types. It’s comprehensive and details the time frame within which the literature was selected: It can be divided into two: Meta-analysis Meta- synthesis Meta-Analysis This is where Patterns and relationships are detected and conclusions are drawn .Its associated with deductive research approach. Meta synthesis Based on non-statistical techniques, these methods integrate, evaluate, and interpret findings of multiple qualitative research studies .Meta synthesis literature review is conducted usually when following inductive research approach. Argumentative Literature Review It examines literature selectively in order to support in favor of or against an argument, deeply embedded assumption or philosophical problem already established in the literature. Integrative Literature Review Reviews The above method Critiques and synthesizes secondary data about research topic in an integrated way such that new framework and perspectives on the topic are generated .If the research does not involve primary data collection and analysis, then the option will be to use integrative literature review Theoretical Literature Review It focuses in the pool of theory that has accumulated in regard to an issue, concept, theory or phenomena. Usually it plays an instrumental role in establishing what theories already exist, the relationship between them, to what degree the existing theories have been investigated, developing new hypothesis to be tested. Historical Review The focus is of examining research for a period of time, often starting with the first time an issue, concept, theory or phenomena emerged in the literature then tracing its evolution within the scholarship of discipline .The purpose is to place research in a historical context to show familiarity with the state of the art developments and identify the likely direction for the future research. Scoping Literature Review Scoping reviews are quite similar to Systematic literature reviews though the key distinction being that there are no restrictions on the materials resourced. The purpose of the scoping review is finding the materials on the topic. When undertaking a scoping review, it is important to systematize your search strategies to ensure you can replicate your searches and to attend to any gaps that appear in the results. Sources of Information in Literature Review Primary Sourses This is an original piece of work on which other research is based on. This presents the native thought processes, reports a discovery or share new information. Results in physical, print or electronic format are the first formal appearance. Characteristics Primary sources have high level of details. Primary sources require little time to publish. Examples of primary sources of information. Literary creation e.g. Novel, short stories, Poems etc. Artifacts e.g. coins, plant specimens, Furniture, tools, clothing. Audio recordings e.g. radio programs Diaries Internet communication on emails Interviews e.g. oral histories, telephone, emails Letters Newspapers articles written at that time. Journal articles published in peer –reviewed publications. Original Documents e.g. Birth certificate, will marriage license Photographs. Meeting proceedings, conferences and symposiums. Speeches Survey Research e.g. market survey or public opinion polls. Video recording. Website. Records of organizations, Government agencies e.g. annual reports, constitution etc. Secondary Sources Secondary sources are stories written after the fact with the benefit of the occurrence. They are explanations and assessments of primary sources. They bear no evidence, only that they describe and report on evidence. Characteristics of secondary sources. They bear ordinary level of details. They require little more time to publish. Examples of secondary sources. Bibliographies (also considered tertiary). Biographical works. Commentaries, criticisms. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias (also considered tertiary). Histories. Literary criticism such as Journal articles. Magazine and newspaper articles. Monographs, other than fiction and autobiography. Textbooks (also considered tertiary). Web sites (also considered primary). Tertiary Sources This is information which is refined and accumulated from primary and secondary sources. Characteristics of Tertiary sources. The detail level is low. They require a lot of time to publish. Examples of tertiary sources of information. Almanacs. Bibliographies (also considered secondary). Chronologies. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (also considered secondary). Directories. Fact books. Guidebooks. Indexes, abstracts, bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources. Manuals. Textbooks (also be secondary) The Process of Conducting a Literature Review According to Wikipedia, literature review also narrative review is a scholarly paper which includes the current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Research process consists of series of steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired sequencing of these steps. Choose a topic. This means defining a research question. The researcher should single out the problem he wants to study, the research question not too broad or too narrow, write down terms that are related to the question, discuss the question with the supervisor. Wide literature survey on the scope of review. This is from abstracting and indexing journals and published or unpublished bibliographies, academic journals, conference proceedings, government reports and books. Development of working hypotheses. Hypothesis is tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences. The role of the hypothesis is to guide the researcher by delimiting the area of research and to keep him on the right track. Preparing the research design. Stating the conceptual structure within which research would be conducted. Determining sample design. At this stage the researcher develops a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population Collecting the data. In context of money costs, time and other resources at the disposal of the researcher, data are collected by observation, through personal interview, through telephone interviews, by mailing of questionnaires or through schedules. Execution of the project. The researcher should see that the project is executed in a systematic manner and in time and that the data to be collected is adequate and dependable. Analysis of data using tabulation and then drawing statistical inferences. Hypothesis-testing. At this the researcher is in a position to test the hypotheses, if any, he had formulated earlier. If the researcher had no hypotheses to start with, generalizations established on the basis of data may be stated as hypotheses to be tested by subsequent researches in times to come Generalizations and interpretation: If a hypothesis is tested and upheld several times, it may be possible for the researcher to arrive at generalization but if the researcher had no hypothesis to start with, he might seek to explain his findings on the basis of some theory. Preparation of the report or the thesis with three parts: a. The preliminary pages. b. The main text. c. Summing up. References Martyn Shuttle worth (Sep 16, 2009). What is a Literature Review? Retrieved Jul 18, 2018 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/what-is-a-literature-review Source: Grant, M. J., ; Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health Information ; Libraries Journal, 26(2), 91-108. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-1842.2009.00848.x De Souza, M. T., da Silva, M. D., ; de Carvalho, R. (2010). Integrative review: What is it? How to do it? Einstein (16794508), 8(1), 102-106. Forward, L., ; Hobby, L. (2002). A practical guide to conducting a systematic review. Nursing Times, 98(2), 36-37. Baglione, L. (2012). Writing a Research Paper in Political Science. Thousand Oaks, California: CQ Press. Systematic Literature Reviews for Education https://libraryguides.griffith.edu.au/c.php?g=45 Literature review sources retrieved from https://research-methodology.net/research-methodology/literature-review-sources/. Comparative Literature: Primary, secondary ; tertiary sources by Yale university library as retrieved from https://guides.library.yale.edu/complit. FLORIDA A;M UNIVERSITY. Retrieved from library.famu.edu Literature review Retrieved from https;//libguides.uwf.edu Literature review Retrieved from https;//libguides.uwf.edu How to cite Different Types of Literature Review, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Macro and Microenvironment Analysis of Bindle
Question: Describe about the Macro and Microenvironment Analysis of Bindle. Answer: Introduction Market Environment Analysis is a vital step that assists to understand the national, international, external and internal environment of an organization that directly or indirectly affects the business. The factors that have direct control can be managed by the companies but same factors are not in the control of the business. The management of such factors in a proper way results as an opportunity. Companies whose management is strong, converts the challenges into opportunities. It enhances the potential of the organizations and protects from the threat available in the environment. There are many tools that can help organizations to analyze the environment like- SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, STEEP analysis, STEEPLE analysis, PEST analysis, etc. A PESTLE analysis is the most used and effective analysis used by the companies. It stands for: Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental analysis. It also analyzes the opportunities and threat of an organizatio n. A Political analysis means all the government regulations and rules imposed by the same, which impact the businesses of a particular country or state. For example- Taxes on imports and exports, quotas, tariffs, etc. Economic factors are those factors related to the money. It can be in the form of tax, duties, etc. for which the businesses are obliged to pay. Society refers to the social surrounding in which a business is running. The changes in the society and the norms, culture, ethics, morals of the people, that creates an impact on the business. Legal environment means laws and duties of the government that should be followed by the organization to work smoothly. Environmental factors are the factors that are not controlled by anyone. Like- Weather, seasons, disaster etc. In this way, all these factors influence the working of the business. Industry Overview and Product Description Bindle Bindle is a company that sells their products online. It is situated in Australia. The company manufactures gift items using differ styles. They believe that eco-friendly production sustains the business for a longer period of time. Hence, the company blends its products with sustainability. They have eco-friendly gift stores located in various parts of Australia. Bindle has replaced the artistic license and gift hampers into attractive gifts and pickings. This company designs and presents its consumers with beautiful gift boxes and baskets. Bindle prepared gifts not only for women but also, it has a wide variety for men, babies, clients, corporate people, Christmas, birthday parties etc. The items of the gifts are manufactured by boutique Australian who prepare food, wines, cakes, desserts, cookies, and also design gift items for the company. The gifts from Bindle are the remarkable alternative of traditional gifts and hampers. Bindle is a perfect choice for those who want to keep t he environment in their minds while purchasing gifts and presents for their loved ones (Upadhyay, 2014). Products and Packaging The gifts from Bindle came in a fully packed hand-made Bindle signature baskets or boxes. The packing is done by rich quality packing paper. The packaging of each bundle of gifts is done through stylistic nod according to the Japanese art. The tie-up of gift boxes and folding is not done by using tapes and staples which give the present holder a different experience of unfolding the gifts. The packing in itself is a valuable part of the gifts by Bindle. Vision of the Company A Bindle is bundles of possession carried by the hobo. Hobo means a person who is homeless, a vagrant. The company said, I have had my hobo chapters and lived nomadically with very few possessions. Bindle said that unlike hobos who do not have any possessions and prescribed boundaries, the company has a sense of place and locate. Everyone faced a nightmare before going to a party or many occasion to search perfect gifts for the loved ones. Bindle was born with a vision that due to globalization the world is becoming smaller and the choice for gifts and the features is also less. With this vision, it engaged the local artisans of Australia to produce hand-crafted gift packs. They have a wide variety of gifts from every part of Australia. Their creation is unique and matched the culture over here- the gifts, its wrapping and the boxes in which they are wrapped. Each gift item produced by Bindle is a compilation of many talented people who tried to bring his or her own creativity. The inter-relationship between the artisans, friends, families, farmers, etc. makes the Bindle unique. Each delivery of gift influences the whole organization (Pierce, 2012). Bindle is not a simple gift-packing service. Each box from this company has handmade cookies. If you want to have the goodies from Bindle, you do not have to put mush efforts to find gifts. All the gifts are carefully and uniquely chosen. Example- ties pattern packing, coffee beans, cosmetics, gourmet jams, etc. Basically, this company and its products are a shortcut to find quality presents with lesser efforts (Uddin, 2012). The packing of the gifts is done by a designed cloth which is neatly and beautifully wrapped. They have many themes and designs depending on the gifts and the occasion on which the gift needs to deliver. Tagline: We assemble it, you take the credit. Macro and Microenvironment of Bindle There are two types of marketing environment that influence Bindle i.e., micro and macro environment. Such factors are not in the control of the management but (PESTLEanalysis Contributor, 2015)still influence the process of strategic planning and decision making for marketing strategy (Wilson and Piper, 2010). Macro environment Demographic Environment This environment comprises of all the demographic forces that influence bindle. It includes the country, region, the age of the target customers, education level, the lifestyle of people, the culture of that area, etc. The Demographic environment for Bindle is very comfortable and accessible. As the company situated in Australia, the people over there are very educated and elegant. Economical environment Economic Environment has an important impact on bindle. This factor results in trading of products from the market. The tools of an economic factor are inflation, deflation, taxation policy, interest rates on loans, etc. that affects Bindle. These factors become more impactful at the time of new entrants and emerging enterprises (Ghose, 2015). Natural environment It is an important factor of the macro factor of environment. This environment includes the natural resources used by the company as an input to get the outputs. The concern for Bindle enterprises is the declining rate of natural resource, pollution, depletion in the supply of raw material, government policies, etc. As the company, uses a big amount of natural resource in their company. Technological environment Technology is one of the major forces that influence the companies. Though, Bindle believes in the eco-friendly production of the products, still, they also need some technology. It is a pervasive factor of the environment. Technology means the application of updated knowledge that the science provides. The fact is that the technology helped the business to bring revolution in the business operations. Consequently, Jindle has applied to knowledge and application that are changing rapidly (Romero, 2011). Political Legal Environment The political and legal issues are very similar to the social environment because the law and regulations are passes due to the problems arise in the society. There are certain laws that regulated the political environment like- fiscal policies, monetary policies, control on the emission from the industries into air and water, work and health, price control, wages, and salaries, etc. Other factors that come under the same are equal opportunity to all, employment contract, laws for the collective bargaining, etc. Such factors influence the business either in a positive way or negative. Socio-Cultural Environment Social environment refers to the environment that creates many types of obligations to the company. Bindle usually frames their decisions in accordance with the culture of Australia. Social cultural environment deals with the beliefs and values of the society. According to this, the decisions making takes shape. It is one of the biggest challenges to the managers Microenvironment Customers Customers are the most important part of marketing environment. Customers are the individuals or the group of people who buys the goods and services of the company. Bindle in an organization who takes care of their customers and produce goods that provides maximum satisfaction to the same. Suppliers The suppliers are also the group of people or individuals who supplies the raw material used by Bindle to (Gordon, 2014) manufacture fine products like- coffee beans, wood, sugar cane, etc. The effective supply leads to long-term survival of the organization. Intermediaries Intermediaries are the creditors and the debtors that may directly or indirectly influence the bindle. Competitors Competitors are the individuals who manufacture the same product as Bindle. In other words, the organization whose target customers are similar as your organization in known as customers. Competitors are the rivals present in the market that influence the business on a high level. Publics Public refers to the individuals present in the market. The opinion of public plays a vital role as it affects the organization and its reputation. Market segmentation Table showing market segmentation of Bindle S. No. Basis of Segmentation Category Identifies segment Importance/ Relevance 1. By Behaviouralistic Beverages (coffee, tea, etc.), bouquet, chocolates, etc. Youth, corporate people, business meetings, family vacations, special occasions, etc. The basis of this segment is the lifestyle of the people and their behavior. It also includes the loyal behavior of the customers towards any brand. 2. By Physiographic Cosmetics, consumer goods, etc Young individuals, middle aged people, status conscious, etc. The basis of this segmentation is also lifestyle of the people. The attitudes of the individuals, attitude, interest, value, etc. assist bindle to identify their potential customers. 3. By Demographics Daily use products, basic products like toiletries, etc. (Wasserman, 2016) Young, young families, middles aged people, retired people. old age people, etc. The basis of this segmentation is according to the age, size, income, educations, ethnicity, etc. 4. By occasion Show pieces, accessories, chocolates, etc The identified segment includes all age people. The basis of this segmentation is the festivals and occasions according to which the customers demand for the products. Summary of the above Table Bindles market segmentation is very easy and simple for the company. There market segment of this company depend on the products they manufacture. Marketing segmentation refers to a strategy of market that includes division of market into sets of consumers, business, and countries, perceptions, who have similar needs, interests, preferences, priorities, etc. and then implement those strategies to target them. This process in takes place to search the target customers in the market place and to position the marketing strategy on them such as positioning so that an organization can achieve objectives. Many organizations opt for product differentiation policies and indifferent approaches that include product line, specification in products, which depend on the market segment. There are various types of market segmentation depending on the nature and type of market and product. Market targeting and consumer profile Target market for Bindle As we know, that Bindle is an organization that produces gift products and presents of various types. The target market for Bindle is the youth of Australia. Because they are the one who exchanges the gifts items. There are many occasions on which the youth need to exchange gifts, like- Valentine day, valentine week, birthdays, parties, anniversaries, marriages, ceremonies, etc. ( Blackford, 2015). Consumers profile Generation Y (age 10-24) generation X (age 24-37) - The young generation and the middle age people of Australia will be the target market for Bindle and its products. As they are the one who demand the most for such products. Generation X refers to the married people, raising children, individuals who are buying home for the first time, building the corporate, job class people, etc. Generation Y refers to the people who are in a frowning age and experiencing the power to spend money for others. They are career orientated and have enough money to spend on other to give gifts and present for their loved ones (Patidar, 2012). Differentiation and positioning The products differentiation and positioning of Bindle products to its target market is an easy process. Product Bindle has to produce unique products to attract more customers. It can be through special packaging, cost of the product can be a factor of differentiation factor, antique designs, styling, and attractive colors, advertisement strategies, etc. (Suttle, 2016) may help Bindle to differentiate their products for the competitors. Image Bindle can obtain completive advantage by using image differentiation strategy in their organization. It can be achieved through services, channels, people, etc. The image can be differentiated by understanding the actual needs of the target segmentation and producing goods in accordance with the same (Recklies, 2015). Service Service is a vital factor to impress your target market and set an image in the eyes of them. It can be through after sale services, unique services, additional services, guarantee warrant y, free services, etc. People The customers are the back bone of any market. Bindle has to analyze the market and research on the needs and desires for the customers in Australia. Afterwards, they have to design their product that matches the same. Channel It refers to the channels of the goods and services. It includes, free delivery, delivery on time, accurate delivery of products, etc. Conclusion Under this study, we have done marketing analysis for bindle. The companys reputation is good with a wide range of products. The marketing strategy o this company is also very approachable. It has a completive advantage as there is no such company found in Australian markets. So the company is enjoying a type of monopoly. The company has a strong brand position in the markets of Australia. The significance of this study is that the learners will learn a lot about Bindle. They also learn to do market study for any organization. There is a description on product differentiation and brand positions are also discussed. The study is providing detailed profile of all the customers and the target segment for Bindle. References Blackford, C., (2015), Bindle, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://bindle.com.au/blogs/bindle/73477893-bindle-testimonial-love Ghose, S., (2015), Marketing Environment, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/marketing/marketing-environment-study-notes/50811/ Gordon, A. (2014). The Empire Of Dreams Mindset. Cork: BookBaby. Patidar, M., (2012), Marketing Environment, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://www.enotesmba.com/2012/12/mba-notes-marketing-environment.html PESTLEanalysis Contributor, (2015), What is Marketing Analysis?, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://pestleanalysis.com/what-is-marketing-analysis/ Pierce, F., (2012), Top 10 supply chain organizations, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://www.supplychaindigital.com/top10/2520/Top-10-Supply-Chain-Organizations Recklies, D, (2015), Market Segmentation- Why is it Important?, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://www.themanager.org/2015/02/market-segmentation/ Romero, E. (2011). Compete outside the box. [U.S.?]: Compete Outside the Box Press. Suttle, R., 2016, What is a product mix?, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/product-mix-639.html Uddin, M. (2012). Journal And Confrence Paper On (Enviornment) E Waste Management. IOSRJMCE, 2(1), pp.25-45. Upadhyay, A. (2014). Social Concentration on Boards, Corporate Information Environment and Cost of Capital. Journal of Business Finance Accounting, 41(7-8), pp.974-1001. Wilson, E. and Piper, J. (2010). Spatial planning and climate change. London: Routledge. Wasserman, E., (2016), How to price your products?, [Online], Accessed on: 17 September 2016, Available on: https://www.inc.com/guides/price-your-products.html
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Negative Effects of Child Beauty Pageants free essay sample
Beauty pageants have been around in America for decades; however, they have not gained notoriety until the show Toddlers and Tiaras aired on national television. The airing of Toddlers and Tiaras has brought child pageants to the attention of many Americans. Not many people were aware of what took place in beauty pageants, but ever since the show debuted in 2009 there has been an intense controversy about children as young as newborns being entered into pageants. Some people say that pageants raise self-esteem and teach responsibility, whereas others say that pageants are necessary and children should take advantage of their youth. Although pageants teach etiquette and communication skills, ultimately they carry a vastly high risk of potentially damaging the psychological and physical health of the participating children, as well as their development of strong morals. A child that participates in pageants is at risk for developing mental disorders for several reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on The Negative Effects of Child Beauty Pageants or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The children are constantly being compared to each other and given negative criticism. A child, especially a female that is going to pay so much attention to her looks and that knows she is being assessed for it, is very prone to develop eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia (Grosaru). Eating disorders start mentally, but once the victim loses control of their thoughts, it is highly likely that it will develop into a physical illness. They are competing solely based on physical beauty; therefore, they are likely to feel inferior about their appearances, which leads to misconceptions about themselves. Beauty pageants unknowingly expose the misconception that to be perfect one must be slim, tan, poised, and facially gifted. When a child steps on the stage to perform in front of the judges, they sense that they must be perfect in order to win, and this perfection is based on a fake and impossible standard to reach. Losing a beauty contest can make a child feel inferior because they lose for things outside of their control, like facial beauty or skin tone. Low self-esteem leads to numerous psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety (Tighe). Depression and anxiety can be fatal if not treated properly at a reasonable time. These children are constantly castigated by the people in their environment causing them to develop self-deceptions that can provoke more serious illnesses. Participation in a beauty pageant requires many sacrifices that endanger the bodily health of the contestant. Through societys eyes, being tan makes a person attractive. Parents take their children to get spray tans before pageants to make them look more appealing. Spray tans are not likely to risk skin cancer because the external layer of skin on our body is dead cells, which give no damage to the skin. Nevertheless, when the child is being spray tanned she is breathing in dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a potential carcinogen because it damages DNA (our genetic code) and causes mutations (Ginsberg). Chemicals such as DHA, are extremely toxic when breathed by children whose lungs have not fully developed. Spray tanning children appear to be harmless as well as advantageous to their success in pageants; however, the deceptive truth is that the chemicals contribute damage to the body in a discreet way. Another major factor that causes a threat to the childrens body is their lack of sleep throughout the pageant, as well as the preparation need for a pageant. Child beauty pageants are time consuming and exhausting; therefore, the children are deprived of sufficient sleep. Cartwright, a registered dietitian and adjunct professor in the University of Arizonas department of nutritional sciences (Blue), attended a child beauty competition with kids as young as 4 months to as old as 15 years old. She witnessed a mass display of emotion along with parents forbidding their kids to rest or take breaks concerned that napping would mess up their childs image (Blue). In the study, the research team from the Bambino Gesu Childrens Hospital in Rome, Italy, found that children with GHD (Growth Hormone Deficiency) got substantially less sleep and lower quality sleep than their normally growing peers. GHD impairs a childs immune system, making the child more vulnerable to illness, as well as weakens the strength of the childs heart and lungs. Children that are deprived of enough sleep are more likely to have stunted growth than children that get enough sleep. Watching their children slowly lose energy due to no rest, parents feed them excessive amounts of sugar and caffeinated drinks to keep them vivacious throughout the whole pageant. Frequent consumption of such components in children puts their health at risk. Caffeine causes a childs body to excrete nutrients such as caffeine and magnesium in their urine. When this happens too often, a childs body does not have the nutrients it needs to produce strong bones (Wonderly). When children consume caffeine, it contributes to the lack of nutrients to develop a strong body structure. Parents who feed their pageant child pure sugar and energy drinks ignore the future consequences of their childs health, and only focus on the situation at hand. Pixie Sticks and energy boosting drinks such as Mountain Dew or Red Bull, are commonly used pageant drugs to aid children to stay energetic and alert. These, among many others, indicate the clear deleterious effects engendered by the parents of beauty pageant children; this proverbial dark side of child beauty pageants cause critics to question whether any prospective gains are worth the tremendous cost to the child. Figure 1: Child Beauty Pageants Controversy On an online survey, the question Do you think the values that child beauty pageants are beneficial or harmful to the participant? was asked. Out of 15 people, 2 said that pageants are beneficial and 13 said they were harmful. Lee, Ahram. Child Beauty Pageant Controversy. Survey. www. facebook. com. Publisher, 6 Mar. 2013. Web. 8 Mar. 2013 Children who frequently participate in pageants involuntarily develop different values of the way of life due to their surroundings. In figure 1, the number of people who said that beauty pageants teach harmful values outweighed the number of people who said that beauty pageants teach beneficial values. The looking-glass self is a collaborative process that says that people unfold images of themselves based on what they think others view them as. Individuals opinions of themselves consistently change as their perceptions of how others view them shift (Thomas). According to the looking-glass self, if a child beauty pageant contestant is constantly told to that she is perfect, beautiful, and the best, eventually she will result in thinking that she is perfect, beautiful and the best. Those kinds of children will become more demanding and disrespectful because they create their own sense of superiority above others. Toddlers and Tiaras star Eden Wood, age 6, threw a tantrum at the Allure Fashion Week Lounge in New York when she could not get her teeth whitened, the New York Post reported Thursday (Toddlers and Tiaras). It is not ethical for six-year old toddlers to be asking to get their teeth whitened. Eden is a very well-known and adored pageant star, consequently she takes advantage of her place in the pageant world by demanding things not suitable for her age and throwing fits when she does not get what she desires. Children that are always being uplifted and admired become full of themselves and disregard any respect that should be given to others. Eden Wood, age 7, referred directly to a grown woman as gurl and interrogated Wendy Williams about her wig and if it was superficial or not (Gorgan). As childrens experience in the pageant world expands, they develop greater risks for learning inappropriate and unethical morals which will create problems when they have to interact and compromise with different people who possess different values. Teaching children how to expose themselves at a high maturity level, beauty pageants exploit a large amount of sexuality to their child participants. In the situation that a child with a more revealing outfit, than the other children have, wins the Ultimate Grand Supreme title, immediately the rest of the children will start to question why they didnt win the title. Once the kids realize that the more sexual appeal they give to the judges, the more they have a chance of winning, some will make an effort to imitate the gestures, facial expressions and tricks that they have been shown (Kaeser). The children begin to process that to be successful in anything, one must reveal herself in a superficial and sexual way; they become narrow minded and grow up into adolescence falsely thinking that there is only one important thing in this world: physical attractiveness. Some have said that beauty contests are good for children because they boost confidence, teach how to present themself and interact with different people, but as demonstrated in this paper, the risks are simply too high and outweigh those benefits. Child participation in beauty pageants is morally wrong because it twists the childrens malleable minds into troublesome issues that have the potential to endanger the safety of them and their family. Pageants promote unethical behavior that leads to unintentional psychological and corporeal defects that may be imperishable.
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