Friday, September 4, 2020
Free Essays on Sweat
Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston Ladies Overcoming Domestic Violence Zora Neale Hurston’s â€Å"Sweat†is a short anecdote about the battles and difficulties in the life of an African American lady living in the south. The short story discussed the treatment of ladies during circumstances such as the present. Numerous ladies of present occasions can relate to the difficulties that Delia experienced in her marriage. The story likewise manages infidelity seeing someone and the deceptive nature and despair it brings to a relationship. The story gives numerous ladies of abusive behavior at home the quality and the fortitude to go to bat for themselves and against their spouses. During circumstances such as the present it was difficult for African American ladies to confront their damaging spouses. Getting a separation was not a typical activity. Most ladies persevered through the torment and inconveniences of being truly and intellectually manhandled regular. Various ladies were too poor to even consider getting a separation or even rampant from their spouses. Spouses of these occasions bolstered the family and were the main ones who had a vocation in the family. In â€Å"Sweat†Delia was the supporter of the family she worked each day supporting herself and Sykes. This was not normal during circumstances such as the present. Most ladies remained at home and viewed the youngsters while the men upheld the family. With ladies not working this made it difficult for them to get enough cash to leave their spouses and bolster themselves and their youngsters without their husbands. The story gives ladies of aggressive behavior at home mental fortitude and solidarity to escape an oppressive relationship. In one piece of the story Delia is in kitchen and sykes comes in begins loudly manhandling her she at long last confronts him she says â€Å"Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too hide. Ok been hitched to you hide fifteen years, and Ah been takin’ in washin’ hide fifteen years. Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work sweat, cry and sweat, ask and sweat!†She at that point gets an iron skillet to protect herself from him. This move takes Sykes by sur... Free Essays on Sweat Free Essays on Sweat Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston Ladies Overcoming Domestic Violence Zora Neale Hurston’s â€Å"Sweat†is a short tale about the battles and difficulties in the life of an African American lady living in the south. The short story discussed the treatment of ladies during circumstances such as the present. Numerous ladies of present occasions can relate to the difficulties that Delia experienced in her marriage. The story additionally manages infidelity seeing someone and the deceptive nature and despair it brings to a relationship. The story gives numerous ladies of aggressive behavior at home the quality and the mental fortitude to go to bat for themselves and against their spouses. During circumstances such as the present it was difficult for African American ladies to face their harsh spouses. Getting a separation was not a typical activity. Most ladies persevered through the torment and inconveniences of being truly and intellectually manhandled ordinary. Various ladies were too poor to even consider getting a separation or even rampant from their spouses. Spouses of these occasions bolstered the family and were the main ones who had a vocation in the family. In â€Å"Sweat†Delia was the supporter of the family she worked each day supporting herself and Sykes. This was not basic during circumstances such as the present. Most ladies remained at home and viewed the youngsters while the men upheld the family. With ladies not working this made it difficult for them to get enough cash to leave their spouses and bolster themselves and their youngsters without their husbands. The story gives ladies of abusive behavior at home mental fortitude and solidarity to escape a harsh relationship. In one piece of the story Delia is in kitchen and sykes comes in begins obnoxiously mishandling her she at last faces him she says â€Å"Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too hide. Ok been hitched to you hide fifteen years, and Ah been takin’ in washin’ hide fifteen years. Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work sweat, cry and sweat, supplicate and sweat!†She at that point gets an iron skillet to guard herself from him. This move takes Sykes by sur...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex. Essay Example For Students
The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex. Exposition The main bit of material I accumulated was an image through the web. Thispicture is of the River Rouge get together plant in Dearborn, Michigan. Thispicture shows the assembling of the bumper for a Ford Motor Company item. It additionally shows the offices of the Rouge plant and how the plant it self wasstate of the craftsmanship. This plant was the biggest of its sort at the hour of its development. TheFord Motor Company at the time was one of the pioneers in labor relations. Thispicture shows the size of the plant just as the working conditions in thefacility. We will compose a custom exposition on The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex. explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now When seeing the photo you can see the variety of funnels and collectiondevices to help in the dissemination of air and the assortment of residue and otherby items made in the plant. The following part I discovered is another image of the inside of the Rougeplant. This image is one of numerous transport lines in the plant. This belt ismoving motor parts from the motor gathering to the last get together. Henry Fordwas a pioneer in the utilization of the sequential construction system in the vehicle business, andthe Rouge plant was a definitive in that utilization of the mechanical production system. This photoshows the profundity of the plant, having the option to produce all segments of thecars without transportation parts to or from different areas in the nation. The following assortment of photos is of the outside of the Rouge plant. These photographs were gotten from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. These photos are of the Rouge during the switch of all creation, from theHighland Park plant, to the Rouge. It was additionally the time that the Model A wasbeginning creation. This assortment shows instances of four outside perspectives on the plant, insinuate tothe various industrial facilities inside the Rouge plant. The Rouge was a steelmill, a foundry, a force maker and, a mechanical production system. This all encompassingidea helped portage consign all parts of the creation of their item. Alongside the outside, the inside demonstrated the degree of the all encompassingRouge plant. The inside photos, which were additionally care of the Henry FordMuseum, show more industrial facilities inside the processing plant. For instance, the four photosin this assortment show metal shaping, and metallurgical tasks. Thesepictures included manufacturing, the impact heaters, expulsion of slag and, evensalvaging scrap from metal boats. The inside had two assortments to see and the second reaffirmed what thefirst depicted. The subsequent assortment shows progressively metal working productionincluding the water powered shear, which was utilized for sheet metal, the open hearthladle and the hearth building. These photographs provided a noteworthy guidance ofthe internal functions of the Rouge plant. As said before the Rouge was the biggest assembling complex in the nationwhen it was manufactured. An airborne photo of the plant reaffirms that reality. Thephoto was taken in 1930 and you can see by the photograph the plant is veryimpressive. The inscription that goes with the image gives a genuine figure ofthe Rouges area, the complete is 6,952,484 square feet. Before the Rouge plant Fords principle producing plant was Highland Park. TheRouge and Highland Park were comparative in the method of using the get together lineto produce the Ford item. Numerous assortments of photographs were found of theassembly line at Highland. One assortment shows the last mating of the modelT, which is like the last mating of the model A . Additionally the one dayproduction of the Highland Park plant, which was overshadowed by the Rouge one dayproduction absolute. .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a , .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .postImageUrl , .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a , .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:hover , .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:visited , .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:active { border:0!important; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:active , .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:hover { darkness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .focused content region { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u87023e3b 53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u87023e3b53be77961d39dbf51aed5d5a:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Knowledge Essay SummaryThe next assortment of Highland Park photographs shows the ordinary methods ininstalling segments to the vehicle. Every one of the four pictures demonstrates theinstallation to the vehicle. From the motor to the tires similar standards thatwere utilized at Highland Park were utilized at the Rouge plant. The last bit of material that was assembled through the inquiry of theInternet and different sources was the National Historic Landmark of Michigan site page. This page has a connect to an educational page on the Rouge plant. Theplant is recorded as a national milestone since 1978 and a Michigan milestone since1976. Likewise recorded on the site is the date the property was purchased by HenryFord and, the date all creation was moved from Highland Park to the Rougecomplex. A huge proclamation is given about the Rouge on the wonder of itscreation and the full reconciliation of all parts of car producing toachieve vertical joining and independence. All in all the River Rouge producing complex in Dearborn, Michigan wasand is one of the incredible wonders of the mid twentieth century. Henry Ford wasthe man who acquainted the mechanical production system with the car business and theRouge was his highest accomplishment. The significant Internet destinations utilized for thiscompilation was the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village landing page at and, the National Historic Landmark in Michigan home pageat
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Symbolism In The Great Gatsby
Imagery in â€Å"The Great Gatsby†Fitzgerald’s tale â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is an account of the troubled love between a man and a lady. The fundamental subject of the novel; notwithstanding, encompasses an a lot bigger, less sentimental extension. In spite of the fact that the entirety of its activity happens over a couple of months throughout the late spring of 1922 and is set in a kept topographical territory in Long Island, New York, â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is a profoundly emblematic reflection on 1920s America overall. In spite of the fact that the principle subject of the novel is the American dream, numerous images are found inside â€Å"The Great Gatsby†too. A few images which speak to digest thoughts or ideas in the novel incorporate the green light, the valley of remains, and Doctor T.J. Eckleburg’s eyes. Situated toward the finish of Daisy’s East Egg dock and scarcely perceptible from Gatsby’s West Egg front garden, the green light represents Gatsby’s expectations and dreams for what's to come. Gatsby partners the light with Daisy, and in Chapter I he comes to toward it in the haziness as a controlling light to lead him to his objective and dream. Gatsby’s need for Daisy is related with the American dream; the green light likewise speaks to this. In Chapter IX, Nick thinks about the green light to how America, emerging from the sea, probably looked to early pioneers of the new country. This shows numerous individuals were dubious at what precisely the green light was over the way. The following image in this novel was the valley of remains. First presented in Chapter II, the valley of remains between West Egg and New York City comprises of a significant lot of infertile and forsaken land made by the dumping of the modern cinders. It speaks to the good and social rot that outcomes from the copious quest for riches, as the rich permit themselves with respect for little more than their own pleasure. The valley of remains likewise represents the predicament of poor people, similar to George Wilson, who live among the messy cinders and lose their energy subsequently. Th... Free Essays on Symbolism In The Great Gatsby Free Essays on Symbolism In The Great Gatsby Imagery in â€Å"The Great Gatsby†Fitzgerald’s tale â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is an account of the troubled love between a man and a lady. The fundamental topic of the novel; be that as it may, encompasses an a lot bigger, less sentimental degree. Despite the fact that the entirety of its activity happens over a couple of months throughout the mid year of 1922 and is set in a restricted topographical zone in Long Island, New York, â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is a profoundly representative reflection on 1920s America in general. In spite of the fact that the principle subject of the novel is the American dream, numerous images are found inside â€Å"The Great Gatsby†too. A few images which speak to extract thoughts or ideas in the novel incorporate the green light, the valley of cinders, and Doctor T.J. Eckleburg’s eyes. Situated toward the finish of Daisy’s East Egg dock and scarcely recognizable from Gatsby’s West Egg front garden, the green light represents Gatsby’s expectations and dreams for what's to come. Gatsby partners the light with Daisy, and in Chapter I he comes to toward it in the haziness as a directing light to lead him to his objective and dream. Gatsby’s need for Daisy is related with the American dream; the green light likewise speaks to this. In Chapter IX, Nick thinks about the green light to how America, emerging from the sea, probably looked to early pilgrims of the new country. This shows numerous individuals were dubious at what precisely the green light was over the way. The following image in this novel was the valley of cinders. First presented in Chapter II, the valley of cinders between West Egg and New York City comprises of an extended length of infertile and forsaken land made by the dumping of the modern remains. It speaks to the good and social rot that outcomes from the bottomless quest for riches, as the rich permit themselves with respect for little more than their own pleasure. The valley of cinders likewise represents the situation of poor people, similar to George Wilson, who live among the messy remains and lose their exuberance accordingly. Th...
Review of Literature Related to Construction Equipment Management Essay Example For Students
Survey of Literature Related to Construction Equipment Management Essay Section I Presentation Presentation Today’s building contract includes endeavors requesting the gear assets. With improvements in designing and quick expansion in the work rates, there is an expanding propensity of automation. In the current twenty-four hours situation building gear turned into an inherent part of clasp and cost effective structure. The physical requests to execute building work have non changed extremely a lot. The work to be done changes dependent on the sort of embraced, however the exercises that must be performed are comparative for various endeavors. It could be developing, principle street, embankment or force works the whole and kind of machines required may change, yet the interest for building gear will ever be. Development hardware empowers arranged structure organizations and associations to complete their focused on embraced in a simple way. The executives of building hardware is segment of generally speaking bearing techniques and strategies to be received various organizations/temporary workers for their structure contracts and in this manner will undoubtedly change from contractual worker to contract based worker. Wasteful bearing of hardware can follow in low creation, inactive gear, lower utilization of hardware and so forth ; both of which can affect venture duration and cost. Consequently, it is of import for contractual workers, building executives, undertaking chiefs, and any individual straight for gear bearing to be acquainted with all the aspects of hardware heading, which at long last prompts efficacious and conservative utilization of suitable hardware for a given occupation. Not simply is it of import for gear executives to be comfortable with this subject, it other than of import for undertaking owners, contractual worker and other hardware dependable person. Point The point of this postulation is to break down the varying Equipment course designs followed by enormous structure organizations and various contractual workers in India and to put the best example for Equipment bearing in India. In add-on with the previously mentioned objective the overview will explicitly take at following features: Distinguishing the best examples of gear bearing for the Indian situation. To investigate the various reactions gathered sing the gear bearing from various contractual workers. 1.3 Scope of Study The scope of study reaches out to general data of the contractual worker, be aftering strategy of the temporary worker, hardware securing and financing, activity and care of the gear furthermore record keeping up. The scope of the review is non simply limited to surpass class temporary workers however close to reached out to contractual workers in all degrees. The grounds behind this are Development hardware in huge aggregate or little entireties are being associated with a wide range of building endeavors because of increment in labor rewards and switch towards motorization. Hardware heading has colossal favorable position to all classs of contractual workers for convey throughing any structure undertaking inside clasp, cost and quality limitation. 1.4 Methodology: The methodological examination utilized in this study will be study strategy wherein the required data was gathered from arranged contractual workers runing in India. An organized survey was set up to move up the essential data. The organized poll was readied referencing arranged books, journals and magazines on comparative subject. The survey contains requests looking for general data identified with the temporary workers be aftering for hardware, decision and procurance. Questions looking for data identified with activity, care and record keeping up. Questions looking for data related supplanting judgments and grouped requests on security strategy, decision and arrangement of administrators and actuation methodologies for working and care powers. The poll was sent to various chose temporary workers runing all through India, The survey in the signifier of Google papers whose nexus has been sent to representatives of various houses. When the reactions are gotten, the data shared will be investigated sing all the features of house and its hardware heading design utilized and a hypothetical record is readied encouraging the best example to be done which can follow up on to houses total compensation and developing. Section 2 Writing REVIEW 2.1Introduction Gear course is a terminating ice subject in the structure business. There have been numerous inquires about in this field, draw a dot oning from these looks into our crew has other than chosen to work in a similar field. Many research have been made in the field sing yet there is no particular one sing the gear bearing examples followed by temporary workers in India. Exertion has been made by our crew to make along these lines, in view of the inquires about up until this point, a foundation has been readied. This reappraisal is gathered from journals put together by various essayists on gear bearing examples. They utilized distinctive methodological analysiss for work trip the activity identified with the hardware course. These methodological analysiss resemble Mathematical conditions, calculation, added substance planning, survey, expectation, incitement hypothetical record, and so on and choice with respect to the methodological investigation is given in this writing. Following are the various journals and included methodological analysiss for Equipment heading designs. 1. Diary of building innovation and course 2. Development inquire about Congress. 3. The executives innovation journal. 4. Development innovation heading journal. 5. IOSR journal of mechanical and common innovation. 6. Global journal of concern and heading. 7. Canada Journal of common innovation. Writing reappraisal: Let’s have a bird’s oculus position of not many of the examination reports by various journalists over the Earth. A study was directed by Amir Tavakoli, Member, ASCE, Emmanuel D. Taye, and Mehmet Erktin look into the present structure gear approach of the prima houses in the business. The review was made through a poll which was sent to the Engineering News Record top400 temporary workers. The study is proposed to flexibly temporary workers and other invested individuals, open, private, and scholastic, with the current situation of the hardware strategy of the top400 contractual workers. The results of the survey study give generally speaking data about structure hardware approach in the best 400 structure organizations in the United States. Hereditary qualities In Life EssayHamed Nabizadeh Rafsanjani finishes up from his study that Optimum making arrangements for overwhelming structure gear is a basic endeavor in wining the structure endeavors. In a structure program one ought to fundamentally focus on the sort, figure and motivation of quality of the hardware at the endeavor site. In this paper, we have contemplated the hourly creation of a hypothetical record of dozer, a wheel-type stevedore, a flunky type stevedore, a grader, a crawler-type excavator, a sheep’s pes roller and a smooth wheel roller ; at the site of a few Earth fill dams around Iran. Each hypothetical record was independently thought of and the site conditions were taken into history. The ostensible hourly creation of the gear was determined fitting to the informations got from Caterpillar, Komatsu, and Volvo creators. The existent creation was determined blending to the factual informations from grouped earth-fill dams in Iran. The inferred res ults demonstrated that the existent creation of a sheep’s pes roller had minimal contrast with its ostensible creation ; while the stevedore had the most distinction in existent and ostensible creation ( for example it had the most reduced hands on proficiency ) . The scholars David Arditi expressed in his diary Inventions in building gear will undoubtedly deliver significant advantages for building organizations that buy and utilization progressed hypothetical records. Enhancements in site productiveness and security, in the nature of working conditions, and in the organization s cost-proficiency and battle can be in part clarified by these steady creations. The discoveries of the review introduced here recommend that the pace of creation in the structure gear industry expanded during the last 30 mature ages. This expanded pace of innovation can be connected to compel per unit territories created by buyers conduct and to mechanical improvements in the gear business each piece great as in different ventures. The discoveries other than show that the pace of innovation has been unvarying and steady over these 30 mature ages. Despite the fact that creations in the structure hardware industry are steady in nature, their total advantages can be enormous on the grounds that gradual developments bring about continuous improvements in stock attributes. These gradual innovations are essentially determined by advertise powers. Creator Stergios K. Vranakis in his reasonable hypothetical record for hardware and gear contributing judgments expressed in spite of the way that during the last two decennaries at that spot have been numerous endeavors globally ; it is still obvious that fairly sufficient issues refering undaunted open introduction and M A ; E contributing conclusions remain unexamined and there is lack of hypothetical and functional help. The normal finish of this examination is to connect the spread between bing writing and the heading designs utilized by creating houses by estimating their requests for effective course of Machinery A ; Equipment Investment judgments Part of the estimation of this model lies in the operationalization of elements and the investigation of the potential connections between them, which have non gotten the suitable going to in writing, where there is no finished hypothetical record yet portraying and breaking down the connections between every one of these variables. The proposed model is viewed as an
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Level of Legal Immigration Essay Example for Free
The Level of Legal Immigration Essay As of late, a political fight had been in the focal point of an exceptionally warmed and dubious discussion is the skirmish of movement. Psychological warfare, the medication war, and the national deficiency have all filled enthusiasm for a long lethargic discussion. As indicated by the United States Census, â€Å"immigration will drive the U. S. populace aggregate to 438 million by 2050†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Haub). The Hispanic populace alone will surpass to an expected 100 million, which therefore is in pertinence with the more than 60 percent of settlers originating from Mexico. Proposition have as of late been gotten through by the President and House of Representatives to manage different parts of illicit movement, fluctuating from reprieve for existing illegals, visitor laborer programs, expelling, fines for unpaid duties, stricter outskirt authorization, etc. Notwithstanding, almost no consideration has been given to legitimate movement. However since this country has become increasingly more ethnically assorted than it has ever been in decades, movement is when all is said in done useful for the nation, in this manner, it ought to be a usual meaning for America to have this purported â€Å"melting pot†develop more by expanding the level f individuals that are permitted to enter the nation and work towards citizenship. Legitimate movement should increment to profit the improvement of the general picture of America deliberately, as it is viewed as a transparently inviting nation; settlers who get back or keep in touch with family back home have a genuine picture of America, not the one propagandized in a significant part of the purposeful media. It’s no mystery that the United has a truly negative picture far and wide. Most American residents are pleased with their nation and are glad to be here. So for what reason do individuals have such a troublesome picture on board? What level of the individuals in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East that have been examined in these positivity assessments of public sentiment do others think have really been to the United States for any huge measure of time? Consider it, for those that haven’t lived here, their assessment of America is put together on the whole with respect to the media. Accordingly, the communists, socialists, and proselytizers that overwhelm the global news media might be the most answerable for America’s picture. This issue can be eased by permitting more individuals to enter the nation. Genuine individuals can perceive what it eans to have the right to speak freely of discourse, opportunity to adore, opportunity to distribute and gather. They can see our decent variety and our evading of the individuals who need resilience. They can test our games and diversion. They can meet for themselves the â€Å"evil Americans†. As more individuals get back or speak with friends and family, individuals around the globe will progressively realize what an incredible nation we have. Diminishing or disposing of legitimate migration will definitely make increasingly motivator to go to the nation illicitly, which prompts less digestion and fever taxpaying, honest itizens. Numerous people have just one genuine trust in a superior for themselves or their youngsters †emigrate to America. The huge number of workers in this nation show that they will attempt to arrive whether there are laws to stop them. Unlawful settlers must conceal their characters. In this way, they aren’t going to go to American schools, recording assessment forms, or doing different things that regular Americans do. In addition, if they’re previously overstepping the law by being here, what’s to keep them from violating different laws we have? Lawful foreigners, particularly those ho intend to remain for all time, must make good on charges and are bound to go to class to learn history, English, and an attractive ability. Since they don’t need to stow away, they are bound to acclimatize with different Americans and receive the way of life. Finally, they can in the long run win the option to cast a ballot and take an interest in our political procedure, which means they can build up a dynamic stake later on for our nation. Besides, the expansion of legitimate migration in the U. S. gives battling individuals everywhere throughout the world and open door for a superior life. This nation was based on settlers who should open door just as political and strict opportunity. Eventually in this discussion the American individuals need to put aside the subject of whether it’s useful for this nation and take a gander at the perspective of the migrant. Envision you were in a spot where you could be battered to the point of death for rehearsing your religion. Envision you got paid the equivalent paying little mind to how hard you functioned. Envision you couldn't read for another profession or start up your own business. Envision you had to depend on government proportioning of food to fix a living. Envision the main access to clinical consideration was doctors with just a couple of long stretches of preparing who needed immunizations and fundamental clinical gear. OK need to carry on with an incredible remainder this way? OK need your children to live their entire lives this way? In hypothesis, a great many people, whenever given a decision would face the challenge in coming to America to accomplish something better. This nation was constructed and has developed on the backs of such individuals. At long last, the administration is profoundly answerable for keeping migration change a greater amount of way to more prominent and progressively worthwhile open doors for those entering this nation with legitimate documentation. All the more critically, they should ensure they give individual verifications to every outsider to ensure he/she doesn't have connections to any fear monger association (most particularly al-Qaeda) all together for this incredible nation to be a place of refuge condition. With the expansion of occupations in America, a considerable lot of those ought to be progressively open to recently naturalized residents. It’ll be a disgrace if Americans despite everything make solid allegations against settlers for taking their occupations.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement
How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement (505) A thesis can be found in many placesâ€"a debate speech, a lawyer’s closing argument, even an advertisement. But the most common place for a thesis statement (and probably why you’re reading this article) is in an essay. Whether you’re writing an argumentative paper, an informative essay, or a compare/contrast statement, you need a thesis. Without a thesis, your argument falls flat and your information is unfocused. Since a thesis is so important, it’s probably a good idea to look at some tips on how to put together a strong one. What is a “thesis statement†anyway? You may have heard of something called a “thesis.†It’s what seniors commonly refer to as their final paper before graduation. That’s not what we’re talking about here. That type of thesis is a long, well-written paper that takes years to piece together. Instead, we’re talking about a single sentence that ties together the main idea of any argument. In the context of student essays, it’s a statement that summarizes your topic and declares your position on it. This sentence can tell a reader whether your essay is something they want to read. 2 Categories of Thesis Statements: Informative and Persuasive Just as there are different types of essays, there are different types of thesis statements. The thesis should match the essay. For example, with an informative essay, you should compose an informative thesis (rather than argumentative). You want to declare your intentions in this essay and guide the reader to the conclusion that you reach. Example: To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you must procure the ingredients, find a knife, and spread the condiments. This thesis showed the reader the topic (a type of sandwich) and the direction the essay will take (describing how the sandwich is made). Most other types of essays, whether compare/contrast, argumentative, or narrative, have thesis statements that take a position and argue it. In other words, unless your purpose is simply to inform, your thesis is considered persuasive. A persuasive thesis usually contains an opinion and the reason why your opinion is true. Example: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best type of sandwich because they are versatile, easy to make, and taste good. In this persuasive thesis statement, you see that I state my opinion (the best type of sandwich), which means I have chosen a stance. Next, I explain that my opinion is correct with several key reasons. This persuasive type of thesis can be used in any essay that contains the writer’s opinion, including, as I mentioned above, compare/contrast essays, narrative essays, and so on. 2 Styles of Thesis Statements Just as there are two different types of thesis statements (informative and persuasive), there are two basic styles you can use. The first style uses a list of two or more points. This style of thesis is perfect for a brief essay that contains only two or three body paragraphs. This basic five-paragraph essay is typical of middle and high school assignments. Example: C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia series is one of the richest works of the 20th century because it offers an escape from reality, teaches readers to have faith even when they don’t understand, and contains a host of vibrant characters. In the above persuasive thesis, you can see my opinion about Narnia followed by three clear reasons. This thesis is perfect for setting up a tidy five-paragraph essay. In college, five paragraph essays become few and far between as essay length gets longer. Can you imagine having only five paragraphs in a six-page paper? For a longer essay, you need a thesis statement that is more versatile. Instead of listing two or three distinct points, a thesis can list one overarching point that all body paragraphs tie into. Example: Good vs. evil is the main theme of Lewis’s Narnia series, as is made clear through the struggles the main characters face in each book. In this thesis, I have made a claim about the theme in Narnia followed by my reasoning. The broader scope of this thesis allows me to write about each of the series’ seven novels. I am no longer limited in how many body paragraphs I can logically use. Formula for a Strong Argumentative Thesis One thing I find that is helpful for students is having a clear template. While students rarely end up with a thesis that follows this exact wording, the following template creates a good starting point: ___________ is true because of ___________, ___________, and ___________. Conversely, the formula for a thesis with only one point might follow this template: ___________________ is true because of _____________________. Students usually end up using different terminology than simply “because,†but having a template is always helpful to get the creative juices flowing. The Qualities of a Solid Thesis Statement When composing a thesis, you must consider not only the format, but other qualities like length, position in the essay, and how strong the argument is. Length: A thesis statement can be short or long, depending on how many points it mentions. Typically, however, it is only one concise sentence. It does contain at least two clauses, usually an independent clause (the opinion) and a dependent clause (the reasons). You probably should aim for a single sentence that is at least two lines, or about 30 to 40 words long. Position: A thesis statement always belongs at the beginning of an essay. This is because it is a sentence that tells the reader what the writer is going to discuss. Teachers will have different preferences for the precise location of the thesis, but a good rule of thumb is in the introduction paragraph, within the last two or three sentences. Strength: Finally, for a persuasive thesis to be strong, it needs to be arguable. This means that the statement is not obvious, and it is not something that everyone agrees is true. Example of weak thesis: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are easy to make because it just takes three ingredients. Most people would agree that PBJ is one of the easiest sandwiches in the American lunch repertoire. Example of a stronger thesis: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are fun to eat because they always slide around. This is more arguable because there are plenty of folks who might think a PBJ is messy or slimy rather than fun. Composing a thesis statement does take a bit more thought than many other parts of an essay. However, because a thesis statement can contain an entire argument in just a few words, it is worth taking the extra time to compose this sentence. It can direct your research and your argument so that your essay is tight, focused, and makes readers think.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
My Plans After Graduation - Free Essay Example
After graduating from one of the top 10 high schools in China, I was successfully enrolled into the Darla Moore business School of USC. The school was ranked number one in the international business program in the U.S. Although I spent more time on study due to the language and culture barriers, I came to understand the similarities and differences between China and America. After years of studying hard, I graduated with a double major in Finance and Economics with 3.8 GPA. However, I do not think a good student can define myself thoroughly. Besides studying, I participated in many communities, which include photography group, Global Chinese Connection and a professional business fraternity called alpha kappa phi. And the experience of joining this fraternity brought me out. AKPsi is the one of the only two business professional fraternity in our school. It has very high standards for recruiting new members. I spent a whole semester rushing and pledging while I was taking 21 credits of classes. I had to give speeches in front of hundreds of brothers and be asked random questions. I also answered quizzes every week, helped local disabled people to paint their houses, joined many teamwork activities, and managed sales at fundraising events. I also participated in cooking events, and most of all, I had to interview 95% of all the brothers. Each interview had to be longer than 40 minutes. Therefore, it took me ten extra working hours besides everything else and hence I had to manage time precisely. Finally, I successfully joined the fraternity from hundreds of candidates and became the only current Chinese member. From this experience, I realized that I was able and willing to do things that others wont and cant. After graduation, I went back to China and helped my dads driver training business. I realized that at that time, the truck driver license, which had been banned for years, had just been reopened to the public. The government had banned this particular permit because many trucks drivers received inadequate training and hence made a lot of traffic accidents. However, the demand for trucks driver had increased dramatically year by year. Despite this, no driver training company could provide a high standard truck driver-training program that met the government requirements. So, I decided to persuade my father and other main stakeholders of the company to invested 60 million Yuan to build the 600 student facility for truck driver training only, 600 customized trucks for training purpose, a dorm that could content 600 hundred students, and a cafeteria. After that, I realized that the most significant group of customer would come from all around the country during the spring festival trave l rush, which is the most massive migration in all the animal kingdom. In 2014, over 2 billion people had joined the movement. I targeted my customers at the train station and long distance shuttle station during that time, and actively advertised at those locations. By the beginning of 2015, I had recruited more than 3000 students. At 2015 fiscal year, our company reached 60% revenue growth. This event made me realized that I had a right business senses and data analysis can help company a lot in many places. After graduating from MSBA program, I want to find a job in this area. Once I acquire the necessary skills in this area, I want to open my firm that deals with data analysis.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Request for Proposals in Gregory Garretts World Class...
The most common input documents in the procurement industry as mentioned by Garrett in his book are, request for proposal (RFP), request for tender (RFT), request for quotation (RFQ), invitation to bid (ITB), invitation for bids (IFB), and invitation for negotiations (IFN), while, the output documents are the proposals and the bids. For the purpose of this essay I am going to focus on the RFP, ITB, and RFQ as input documents on the buyers step three, solicitation. On the output documents I also want to add quotes, which were not mentioned by the author but in my personal experience they are invaluable when procuring goods and services. Additionally, I want to talk about the risk management aspect of the RFP from the buyers and sellers†¦show more content†¦In response to your RFQ your prospective vendors provide you quotes (output document for RFQ). After receiving all the quotes, you choose the vendor with lowest price because the selection is cost driven. RFQ and quote s are most of the time informal and there is no binding associated with these documents. In the other hand, when you do an ITB you go to a formal competitive solicitation. I found on my research that companies and government agencies have a dollar amount threshold to decide between a RFQ and ITB. The source selection decision of the commodities or services to be procured are price driven; therefore, the lowest bidder that meets the minimum criteria gets the contract. ITBs go in depth details to ensure that there is no deviation from the requirements. A business case I found online; University of Florida publishes an ITB for a janitorial contract for the new School of Medicine in Orlando Florida. The statement of work is very specific on what, how and when everything needs to be done. The response for the ITB are bids from potential vendors. This document is useful when the cost uncertainty is low. The RFPs are used when there is a level of complexity associated with a requested service or goods. Garrett mentions on Chapter 7 that is â€Å"generally used when nonfinancial considerations, such as technical skills or approach, are paramount.†RFPs allow from early stages of the procurement that the buyer and the seller are engaged in
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Pre â€1914 Poetry Comparison on Love Essay - 1409 Words
In this compare and contrast essay I will compare four poems in detail and mention two in the passing to find similarities and differences. The poems and sonnets I have chosen to compare are ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning and Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare The two Robert Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written in the infamous Victorian Era whereas the two Shakespearean Sonnets were written in the Elizabethan Era. The styles of the poems differ in accordance to the difference of the time in which they were written. Pre-Romantic Era poems moved away from the idealistic concept of love towards a more realistic consideration of it, taking into account the social†¦show more content†¦Likewise, the Victorian Era poet, Christina Rossetti credited with poems like ‘I wish I could remember,’ a feminist poem that was written from a woman’s point of view, a poem which used the Italian Sonnet form. Christina Rossetti has used both the English Sonnet and the Italian Sonnet, and this may be reflective of her background; she was born in England, but her father was Italian, so Italy, its language and customs had a strong influence on her life and her creative ness. Sonnet 18 doesn’t really show any signs of the blazon, whereas Sonnet 130 shows strong signs of the reversal of the blazon conventions. It turns the positives into hard-hitting real negatives, such as how his mistress is not a goddess, but in fact a real woman. This brings a new light to the reader about the poem, and the poem takes on a fresh perspective. The convention used is the similarly the opposite of the blazon convention in Chapter Four of the Song of Solomon, a love poem from the Bible, possibly the first recorded example of the blazon convention; its around 3,000 years old, The two Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written to convey to the reader how women were treated in that era; as possession, as assets. Both of these poems can be read from different points of view and they also both are what is known as dramatic monologue. Both of the Robert Browning poems are written in the first person, similarly to theShow MoreRelated Comparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne),931 Words  | 4 PagesComparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne), Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day (William Shakespeare), and Jenny Kissed Me (James Leigh Hunt) These three love poems or sonnets were all written pre 1914 but by very different writers. The authors of these poems use different styles of writing love poetry. For instance, John Donny is very clever. His poem, The Flea brings out an angle of smart sayings to get people to have sex. William Shakespeare focuses moreRead More Pre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesPre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework In this piece of coursework I will be comparing love songs from six different poems by different authors. I will do ‘First Love’ by John Clare, ‘How Do I Love Thee?’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning, ‘A Birthday’ and ‘Remember’ both by Christina Rossetti, ‘When We Two Parted’ by Lord Byron and ‘Villegiature’ by Edith Nesbit. All these poems that I am going to be comparing are all written before the 20th century, in the early 1700’s and 1800’s era. 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Old Business III]â€Å"Manley was drunk and he was a spectacle. But they seemed glad this had happened to him. That is what galled.†(Ch. 18). The 1920’s and 1930’s have a lot under their hood, the following is a socio-cultural portrait/comparison of what the 20’s and 30’s were all about. â€Å"T.S Eliot has been one of the most daring innovators of twentieth-century poetry. Never compromising either with the public or indeed withRead MoreComparison Between Remember And Sonnet1959 Words  | 8 PagesComparison between â€Å"Remember†and â€Å"Sonnet†There are many similarities between Remember by Christina Rossetti and Sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and yet, at the same time there are very differing contrasts. The title of the poem Sonnet or commonly referred to as How do I love thee obviously the piece is written in sonnet form and â€Å"Remember†by Christina Rossetti is also written in sonnet form. A sonnet is a fourteen line poem written in iambic pentameter. Within both of these poemsRead More The Life and Times of Claude McKay Essay2788 Words  | 12 Pagesthe black residents of the city.†The contrast of these two cities inspired McKay to write Songs of Jamaica and Constab Ballads (Masiello 244). These two pieces of writing were published by Walter Jekyll, a publisher who encouraged McKay to write poetry rooted in Jamaican folk culture and with Jamaican Dialect. These pieces of writing differed from the traditional form of writing he learned in his schooling, but gave McKay his first piece of recognition. These two pieces of writing were so successfulRead MoreEssay on Pre 1914 Love Poetry from the Victorian and Elizabethan Era3579 Words  | 15 PagesPre 1914 Love Poetry from the Victorian and Elizabethan Era Conventional females were considered to be second class citizens who were expected to refrain in conveying their natural feelings and emotions. Women were also socially neglected, as they were expected to remain at home whilst their respective husbands ensured the upkeep of the family by managing the family finances. The male population at this point in time ignorantly viewed women as coy, innocent characters, seemingly unawareRead MoreHAMLET AND ORESTES10421 Words  | 42 Pages07 1 THE BRITISH ACADEMY THE ANNUAL SHAKESPEARE LECTURE 1914 Hamlet and Orestes A Study in Traditional Types By Gilbert Murray, LL.D., D.Litt. Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford Fellow of the Academy New York Oxford University Press American Branch 35 West 32nd Street London : Humphrey Milford THE BRITISH ACADEMY THE ANNUAL SHAKESPEARE LECTURE 1914 Hamlet and Orestes A Study in Traditional Types By Gilbert Murray
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Relationship Between Science And Religion Essay - 2131 Words
The relationship between science and religion as Western categories of thought has long been fraught with tension; academics suggest that the conflict between religion and science arose in the 17th century, as a result of the Galileo Affair, and continued into the 18th century Age of Enlightenment. Others, however, suggest that the dispute between the two systems of belief may even be traced as far back as classical antiquity. Even today, it is clear that tensions endure between academics unable to reach a consensus as to the nature of this relationship. While some suggest that the relationship between science and religion is one of direct intellectual opposition, others propose that the two disciplines are methodologically, if not intellectually, compatible, and still others argue that the disciplines of science and religion are too dissimilar to be in conflict. What clearly emerges from this discussion is the notion that a single, concise answer as to the question of the relation ship between science and religion does not, and cannot, exist. In both academic and colloquial discourse, religion and science are often considered opposite ends of a philosophical spectrum, intrinsically incompatible due to the former s reliance on rationalism and empiricism, and the latter s reliance on supernaturalism, as sources of truth. Although a variance of opinion clearly exists, the incompatibility of science and religionâ€â€a theory known as the epistemological conflictShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Religion And Science1339 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout modern times, philosophers have debated the relationship between religion and science. For example, the question has been raised whether science and religion give the same kind of knowledge, thus competing with one another. The alternate view is that they give different kinds of knowledge, thereby complementing one another. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian scientist who addressed this issue . A bit later, the English philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) similarly discussed the kindsRead MoreThe Relationship Between Religion And Science907 Words  | 4 PagesThe relationship between religion and science is indubitably debated. Barbour describes four ways of viewing this relationship (conflict, independence, dialogue--religion explains what science cannot, and integration--religion and science overlap). Gould presents a case in which religion and science are non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA), that the two entities teach different things and therefore do not conflict. The subject of this essay is Worrall, who says that religion and science does conflictRead MoreThe Relationship between Science and Religion755 Words  | 4 Pages  The Relationship between Science and Religion   The relationship between science and religion will be analyzed in the following three aspects: conflict, compartmentalization and complementariness.   Conflict   An essential question on our own existence is bound to evoke our curiosity: where did we come from? Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution, believed that human being was evolved from apes. However, the Genesis in Bible considered that human was created by God. Undoubtedly, it is impossibleRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion950 Words  | 4 PagesWithin philosophy, there has long been a question about the relationship between science and religion. These two systems of human experience have undoubtedly had a lot of influence in the course of mankind’s development. The philosopher Ian Barbour created a taxonomy regarding science and religion that has become widely influential. His taxonomy postulates that there are four ways in which science and religion are thought to interact. The four categories are: conflict, independence, dialogue, andRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion901 Words  | 4 Pagesstudy of consciousness bring s an interesting twist into the relationship between science and religion. Humans standalone from all other creatures because we are conscious, this indicates to some people that there has to be a higher power. When studying the evolution of humans, we find that we are so much more advanced than any other known creature on the planet. This article attempts to explain the relationship between science and religion and the few unexplained things in the universe that prove thereRead MoreThe Relationship Between Religion And Science1056 Words  | 5 Pages100 October 4, 2014 Western Individualism What is the relationship between religion and science? In his book, Consilience, Edward O. Wilson aims to find a unified theory of knowledge. Consilence also seeks to show how science is superior to and can replace religion. In this paper, I intend to show how Wilson understands this relationship and science as well as how. as well as show John Stuart Mill would agree or disagree with Wilson. Science â€Å"aims to save the spirit, not by surrender but by theRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion1159 Words  | 5 PagesThe relationship between the philosophies of science and religion has long been a contentious topic in both popular and scholastic discourse. While some individuals engaging in this debate suggest that the relationship between the two disciplines is one of direct opposition, others propose that the two disciplines are in fact compatible or too dissimilar to be in conflict. While this debate raged, certain academics attempted to find a way to solve the apparent conflict between science and religionRead MoreThe Relationship between Science and Religion814 Words  | 3 PagesWhen one thinks of religion, Christianity may come to mind. And when one talks about science, Galileo’s name will most likely be mentioned. The relationship between science and religion has had a long complex history. Both strived to answer and explain the way the world and the universe came to exist and why it functions the way it does. However, one subject relies on the supernatural world while the other on the physical world. Christianity, Judaism and other Western religions played a major roleRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion3252 Words  | 14 Pageshe relationship between science and religion is a very interesting and complex one, and has changed quite a lot over the course of human history. In order to competently understand this relationship, it is necessary to have a rudimentary knowledge of the fundamental methods and aims of each discipline. Though the relationship between science and religion has changed a lot over time, what has not changed is the fact that the two disciplines are diametrically opposed to each other in many ways, havingRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion1481 Words  | 6 Pagesmethod of inductive logic. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) allowed science and theology to each have the ir own sovereign realm. Conflicting ideas between science and religion began to develop during the nineteenth century. During the twentieth century people began to believe that all human knowledge was scientific knowledge. Research either proved or disproved theories of the earth’s origin. People began to question the supremacy of science on the basis of the very premises that brought it to power,
When One Parent Loses a Job Free Essays
Melissa McAfee Mrs. Bastian Dev022 April 11, 2013 First draft The Impact when one parent loses a Job When one parent loses a job it impacts the whole family. My household went from two incomes to one, in a matter of months. We will write a custom essay sample on When One Parent Loses a Job or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was no time to prepare. My husband Bucky works for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad; therefore his pay was never the same. So, my income was very important. I got paid the same amount every two weeks. We could budget our expenses off that amount. We always had extra money, a savings account and a Christmas fund in place. We had the luxuries of two incomes. Lucky for us we didn’t live outside our budget. I was employed with US Cable for eight years. I succeed well in my job making a good income. I took several related courses to achieve the most in my pay. Taking every cable, internet, and telephone course offered. For very passing test we got a raise, this was something we were offered to do in our own time. We could even work Saturdays for overtime, and there was always someone who would give up there day to work. Julie would always give up her Saturday. Mcafee-2 My husband Bucky doesn’t worry about me working. It will work out, it always does he would say. Easy for him to say I liked having my own money! I didn’t really worry much until the day after Jan. 23, 2013. Then it hit me I will no longer have a paycheck, or a job to go too. I have worked at the same place just shy over eight years. What would I do when all I am use to is being extremely busy all day: between work and family. Well you see that didn’t change. I gained more family time. My two oldest daughters didn’t live at home anymore. So, we got too hang out more together. I got to spend more time with my new grandson Lane. My daughter Donna had just started college. My title became grandma-sitter. My daughter Deana liked to come over and spoil her nephew, when she wasn’t working. My youngest daughter Shelby also enjoyed me being home. I picked her up from school and most days she would get a sweet tea from McDonalds. That was a treat. My husband Bucky also enjoyed me home during the day. You see there were many days we would go without seeing each other; because of our schedules. In the conclusion we gained more family time and more family meals. We would actually dine out two to three times a week: before my job ended. Now it’s maybe that a month. The effect of losing my job became a blessing really. As of today I am a full time student at college and have made more memories with my family. The effect was well worth the impact. How to cite When One Parent Loses a Job, Papers
Comparing the Spanish and English Colonies in the New World free essay sample
The Spanish settlements in the American Southwest and the English colonies in New England of the seventeenth century can be contrasted in primarily two ways. First, their politics were based on entirely different ruling classes and systems of government. Second, they employed different avenues of economic development. The Spanish settlements began with Cortes and others conquering the Native Americans of South, Central, and parts of Southwestern North America. After eradicating a large portion of the Native American population, the Spanish began to intermarry into the Native American gene pool. Consequently, only portions of the population were pureblooded Spaniards. These Spaniards occupied the highest social and political status. Those from Spain were one step above those born in the New World while those of mixed or Indian heritage were at the bottom of the social ladder. Additionally, because the Spanish came as conquerors, the resulting political system was entirely autocratic and solely devoted to the furthering of the motherland. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing the Spanish and English Colonies in the New World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Immediately after conquering the Native Americans, the Spanish looted large amounts of gold, silver, and other valuables. This tradition continued into the seventeenth century as Spanish ships would come annually to bring gold and other valuables back to Spain. In this way, Spain viewed Spanish America as an object useful only for its mercantilist objectives. Since mercantilism was its only objective, Spain gave its colonies little self-rule. Instead, Spanish rulers dictated all the policies of its New World territories. The English, on the other hand, settled relatively peacefully into the Eastern Seaboard of North America. Englishmen migrated to the New World not as conquerors but rather because they wanted independence, political freedom, and economic opportunity. Combined with Englands tradition of partial representation, the English Colonies had a large degree of self-government. The colonies all had some form of a representative assembly that was voted in by popular support. While only white male landowners could vote, this still constituted some degree of democracy. In some colonies, even the governors were decided by popular vote. Also, many of the British colonies, such as Virginia, were established by joint stock companies or established as proprietary colonies, such as Pennsylvania. Even royal colonies were often simply colonies given a royal charter but still established by a group of people not directly affiliated
Friday, May 1, 2020
The Place I Have Visited for Holiday free essay sample
New Year would be my first one week break after entering the life of a college student. It was such a pleasant relieve because I do not think I could take another pressure after my mid-term examination. My friends from other colleges were also having their break from college so all of us decided to go for a short trip to Pulau Pinang. There were a total of nine people including myself. Originally, we planned to take the train to Pulau Pinang but they were out of tickets due to the festive celebration. So we took the bus instead. On our way there, the bus made a pit stop at Tapah. Most of my friends went down because it was just so cold on the bus but I decided to stay in. As the bus started to continue the journey to Pulau Pinang, I realised that my friends were not on the bus. We will write a custom essay sample on The Place I Have Visited for Holiday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And then I received a phone call from one of my friends saying that they were left behind. I quickly went to the driver to ask him to pull over so that my friends could catch up and get on the bus. Luckily, they were not too far behind. The journey took about six hours due to heavy rain. We reached Butterworth at around dawn. After that, we had to take the ferry to cross over to other side to get to Batu Ferringhi, Pulau Pinang. We were all really excited to finally arrive in Pulau Pinang but exhausted at the same time because of the long journey. So we decided to straightaway go to the guest house and check in. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting some rest before heading out to the beach which is just in front of the place we were staying at. After enjoying the view and playing some volleyball at the beach, we went for dinner at Gurney Drive. There was a wide variety of food to choose from. Each and every one of us bought different kinds of food then we exchange with each other and taste them. The food there was very delicious and tasty. We even took away some, in case we get hungry later. Then all of us went for a walk at the Ferringhi Night Market. There were so many tourists walking around too. We stopped by Sixty Nine Mansion to have some drinks before we head back to our guest house. The next day we checked out around noon and we took a train back home. We reached Kuala Lumpur safely later that night. In conclusion of our short trip to Pulau Pinang, it was truly a memorable experience. Pulau Pinang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Malaysia. Pulau Pinang is also an exciting place to visit because it has so many attractions to offer. There are so many things to see and so many other things to do. All in all, Pulau Pinang is surely an amazing place to go for a short trip or vacation.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis When I have Fears that I May Cease to Be ( 1818; 1848). This sonnet, is possibly John Keats first use of the Shakespearean form, is usually regarded as a prophecy in metaphoric form, of his early death. Shakespearean, too, in theme. He depicts a desolate shore which anticipates John Clare and Matthew Arnold in its emptiness. The sonnet is all the more poignant when we know that Keats died at the age of 25, a tragically young age, with a poetic career of even greater fulfillment in front of him. He was the Romantic poet par excellence: his continuing dedication to poetry in the knowledge that he was dying (from tuberculosis) made him a symbol for the Romantic Movement. At the time of his death, the first generation of Romantics, Wordsworth and Coleridge, could no longer write the intense poetry of their early years. He became an emblem of transience, and Shelley's visionary essay Adonais on Keats's death depicts the exquisite early flowering and then sudden death of Keats, the man and poet. Need essay sample on "When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed It is evident from this sonnet, one of his most serious, that to Keats the beauty of the marbles consists in their capacity to set the imagination into such play as to arouse anew in the spectator the vision of life the artist had originally caught and then portrayed in the plastic figures upon which he worked. This for the observer is the moment of arrival at "that trembling delicate and snail-horn perception of beauty," of which Keats writes elsewhere the moment of realization of the identity of form with content, of beauty with truth. It is the instant of the completed fabric of the creative imagination, either for the artist or for him who understands his art. That is, in looking upon a Grecian urn the creative imagination of the observer arrives at the same point as did the creative imagination of the artist a delicate, snail-horn perception of the truth the Idea expressed in the urn; hence the beauty of it. The mere external aspects of an urn would not make it beautiful, a thin g of art, to Keats. It is rather that the symbols executed there, themselves a product of mind and soul, still contain within themselves a dynamic something, itself the offspring of imaginative insight, that has the power to set aflame the mind and soul of an imaginative observer: that is true art, that, beauty; that is truth preserved in enduring form for the ages. "For soul is form and doth the body make. Students Often Tell Us:Who wants to write essay for me?Essay writer professionals recommend:Essay Help Service Writing A Paper Online How to Prepare an Assignment Write My Essay Reviews The poetry of Keats may be limited because of its very concentration, its rapt attention to detail and absorption in beauty. But never has poetry been enclosed in an atmosphere of purer enchantment. In 'When I have fears that I may cease to be', the poet imagines a dissolution of consciousness, of thought, thinking 'till thought is blind'. Indeed, in a letter to J. H. Reynolds, Keats comments on writing 'some lines' in Burns's cottage, but says that 'they are so bad I cannot transcribe them', and to Benjamin Bailey he comments that 'I had determined to write a Sonnet in the Cottage. In any poem, but perhaps especially in the compact territory of a sonnet, every word takes on full weight and significance. Metaphorical construction can provide both a method of organization and an avenue of development, as relationships multiply through the course of the poem. In a sonnet such as That time of year, the metaphorical pattern acts as the backbone, the controlling pattern of the sonnet itse lf, further reinforced by syntactic patterns and repetitions. In When I have fears that I may cease to be by John Keats (17951821), metaphor is used similarly to provide fundamental structure. In, When I have fears that I may cease to be, we can see the widening implications of the representational mode Keats learned from Edmund Kean. When I have fears presents a moment of crisis in which the speaker considers the consequences his current state of mind will have on future endeavor. Here, though, Keats is at his most "negatively capable," in the sense that the poem represents a Kean-like "instant feeling" of high uncertainty, expressed precisely from the "when" of that uncertainty's occurrence. And while the sonnet does not represent a moment of strictly cultural reception, Keats relies on the same understanding of subjective experience to convey the encounter. Keats uses the Shakespearean form for the first time in this, his thirty-sixth, sonnet, and the poem is the most compressed expression to this point of negatively capable lyricism. (The observation is supported by the fact that Keats composed When I have fears shortly after composing the Lear sonnet's Shakespearean six-like closing.) The three quatrains--beginning "When," "When," and "And when"--each represent and speak from a temporal moment, a time when, and an affective state, a sense of being as. Each relates the speaker's experience of an action unaccomplished, a potential unfulfilled. In the first quatrain the "high pil'd books, in charactry" do not "Hold like rich garners the full ripen'd grain." In the second, the "Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance" remain untraced. And in the third, the "fair creature of an hour" is never looked upon more. The double connotation of "when" as moment and as state--and its repetition in all three quatrains--gathers and suspends the effect o f each act of perception (the having of fears, the beholding of cloudy symbols, and the feeling of loss of the beloved) until the extended final couplet's expression of "instant feeling": standing alone "on the shore / Of the wide world" and thinking, without an object of thought. In When I have fears, the poet does not reflect on past achievement or consider the promise of future accomplishment; instead, he publicizes a moment of unmitigated uncertainty in which to "think" is to stand paralyzed until "love and fame to nothingness do sink." What is most "theatrical" about the poem, in the sense I have described in this essay, is what is most Shakespearean and most Kean-like about it: not Keats's removal to a "self-distancing point of view" (Rzepka, The Self as Mind 168), but his ability to represent individual subjectivity as a suspended relation between possibilities for self-realization. By naturalizing a language of feeling unmarred by narrative or explanatory context, the poet communicates his crisis as though it were contemporaneous with the reading act. "Negative capability," so often described by Keatsians as a private mode of cultural production, is more properly understood here as a public mode of cultural reception. The poem both depicts (in Keats) a nd encourages (in the reader) a scene of reception rife with uncertainty and doubt, imagining a new kind of relation between the poet's private experience and the public to which he speaks. Edmund Kean played a crucial role in shaping both Keats's attitudes towards his own social rank and his ideas about the changing nature of cultural experience. Educated to an understanding of Kean by Hazlitt's theatrical criticism, Keats's attention to the actor in letters and theatrical reviews in late 1817 and early 1818 coincided with and, I will argue, occasioned his thoroughgoing revision of the poet's role as a cultural intermediary for readers. Keats's poetic figuration of cultural experience crystallizes in a new way in this poem, which bear the marks of Kean's influence first because they render the poet a creature of unapologetic uncertainty, and second because the speaker communicates to the public from within the experience of that uncertainty. As a subject encountering both material and imagined objects--Shakespeare's text, the cloudy symbols of "high romance"--Keats refuses to present himself as a cultural master, or even, like Wordsworth, as an already developed speake r reflecting back on growth that authorizes current speech. Like Kean, he is a teller of the instant feeling, in which past experience and future potentiality intersect, each without gaining dominance over the other. The readers of the poems, like the Keatsian watcher of Kean, feel that the utterer is thinking of the past and the future, while speaking of the instant. Conclusion The ability Keats begins to display in these poems--placing his speaker within the moment of affective reception "without any irritable reaching after fact & reason"--will propel his more intense reworking of poetic expression in the odes, his revision of "romance" in The Eve of St. Agnes, and his refiguration of the poet's relationship to history in The Fall of Hyperion. The "change" that "has taken place" in Keats's intellect at this historical point should not be attributed solely to the influence of Kean. But the change in his thinking about poetry's capacity to represent lower-class experience, in a time when divisions between high and mass culture were becoming increasingly pronounced, bears a striking resemblance to Kean's public embodiment of a new performing subject. Hazlitt commented that Kean's performance of Macbeth was a lesson in common humanity. Such humanity is what Keats had in mind when he expressed a desire to be of Kean's company in December of 1817. The "fashiona bles" and the "blue-stocking literary world" already had their poets, just as upper-class theatergoers had long had Kemble and his school. What Kean was in the theater Keats hoped to be in the world of poetry: a common man of uncommon imagining. Works Cited John Keats, The Letters of John Keats, ed. Hyder Edward Rollins, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958) 1.192-93. Subsequently in the text, abbreviated as Letters. Nicholas Roe, John Keats and the Culture of Dissent (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997) 237-39. Marjorie Levinson, Keats's Life of Allegory: The Origins of a Style (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988) Donald H. Reiman, "Keats and the Third Generation," in The Persistence of Poetry, eds. Robert M. Ryan and Ronald A. Sharp [Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1998] 111). Bate, "Keats's Style: Evolution Toward Qualities of Permanent Value," in The Major English Romantic Poets, eds. Clarence D. Thorpe, Carlos Baker, and Bennett Weaver (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1957 William Hazlitt, The Complete Works of William Hazlitt, ed. P. P. Howe, 21 vols. (New York: AMS, 1967
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics
Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics Writing an essay starts with creating a thesis statement. Then you proceed with collecting information, evidence and premises to support your ideas. You need to understand that it is harder to write arguments then just the premises or conclusions alone. Writing an argument isn't the same as stating the conclusion. Very often students make this mistake while writing an essay. While writing argumentative essay, they present a lot of general information which they consider being an argument. It is more likely that they simply affirm that some ideas are true. They don't present the premises or inferences from which the conclusions derived while writing an essay. Sometimes it happens because they think that arguments seem so clear that they feel they need not write out the details. However, it is mistakable to think that the readers don't want to see the details in your argumentative persuasive essay. Argumentative Essay Writing Traditionally, there are two types of arguments: deductive and inductive. Deductive arguments give final proof by presenting all the supporting evidence in the essay. The idea is that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Deductive process assumes that the conclusion should be followed from the premises. Begin argumentative essay writing with thesis statement and then start writing conclusions. Deductive arguments may be either valid or invalid, it depends on the evidence and the reasoning which you present while writing an essay. An inductive argument is an argument in which the premises are provided to support the conclusion. The conclusions of the inductive arguments are developed by inference. Making inductive arguments writers use words and phrases like 'probably', 'improbably', 'likely' , 'unlikely' , and 'reasonable to conclude' . Inductive arguments are not valid or invalid, but they must be stronger or weaker than other arguments in the essay. Persuasive Essay Writing Persuasive essay writing, as any other kind of essay writing, has the goal to persuade the reader to take writer's point of view. It is not enough to present a valid argument which supports the thesis statement while writing argumentative persuasive essay. You must also present a counter-argument showing why the opposition's reasoning and arguments are invalid. The counter-argument requires a deep analysis and examination of opposing premises, inferences, and conclusions. The counter-argument is very important, with its help you can convince a reader that your point of view on the subject is the best point of view. Help to Write Argumentative Persuasive Essay If you have started writing your persuasive or argumentative essay, however, you are not sure how to proceed. If the deadline is approaching and you are stuck on any writing step. If you are not sure whether the arguments you make are strong or valid enough to persuade the reader. We offer you our help to write argumentative persuasive essay. We are experienced in essay writing and we are able to help you with any type of assignments. delivers only custom written papers!
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Ethnography and the interpretation of cultures Essay
Ethnography and the interpretation of cultures - Essay Example being studied However, for a social scientist the laboratory is the culture being studied and it is impossible to manipulate parts of it without destroying the culture itself. Furthermore to gain insight into the whys of cultural practices researchers must often ingratiate themselves with the people studied. However the argument is that too much emotional attachment can affect the researcher’s objectivity and thereby call into question his research conclusions. This article traces the history of changes in anthropological approaches to ethnographic studies over the years. At first blush this is a confusing phraseology, but as I understand it from the author’s explanation, the difference is that in participant observation the researcher participates in the culture’s practices but observes for study only the culture’s symbols, status relationships, norms, values, etc. to determine their significance in relation to how the culture functions (Tedlock, B. 1991) On the other hand under â€Å"observation of participation†the researcher is also more aware of the effect his participation may have on the culture and therefore tries to broaden his observations to himself as well as the culture being studied. In other words in an effort to achieve a greater degree of scientific validity he attempts to be more aware of for example any notions of cultural superiority which might color his perceptions and make him appreciate less how the practices he observes play roles in enabling the culture studied to function effectively in the context in which it operates. The author makes the point that that the recent broadening of the pool of recruits doing ethnographies to include both genders, different races and socioeconomic levels, etc. are more likely to study cultures objectively in context in th â€Å"observation of participation†methodology than their largely male, white, upper class forerunners many of whom had the â€Å"baggage†of considering themselves as members of
Monday, February 3, 2020
A review of the literature exploring the user of NIV to treat Dissertation
A review of the literature exploring the user of NIV to treat exacerbation of COPD - Dissertation Example The main objective of this paper is to review what has been found by various studies on the survival challenges, quality of life and the compliance to NIV therapy by the users. Also, the paper will review literature on the effectiveness of the NIV treatment. Challenges on survival, Quality of life and compliance to NIV therapy According to the studies by Massimo, et al (2012, pp747), it was gathered that there are indications of early NIV positive pressure ventilation, which tend to increase the rate of survival. This was made in comparison with NIPPV. As such, NIV acts as a relief from challenges relating to survival rate in patients with high level of CO2 in their blood. A study by Pepin, et al (2008, pp360) indicates these challenges. According to the study, the challenges that these patients face are: fatigue, sleep patterns that are disturbed as well as breathlessness. The group also found out that NIV does not provide a prevention against weakening of the respiratory muscle tha t tend to progress. Acute exacerbations of a chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease better referred to as COPD, pose great challenge to the survival rate of a patient. In the periods that the patient is faced with worsening extremes, it adversely affects the patient’s health status. There is an escalating admission to hospitals and even rise of mortality rates (Angus, et al 2011, pp84). According to the studies by Fionnuala, et al (2007, pp60), it is approximated that the mortality rate of in-patient ranged from 4%-30%. The study goes on to indicate that patients that are admitted due to complications from acute Respiratory failure have a higher mortality rate. According to the study, the patients who are elderly and have co morbidities as well as those patients needing the ICU facilities were the most affected by the high mortality rate. According to the study by Monica, et al (2004, pp605), ventilation of the respiratory worsens to perfusion ratio and this result to a mechan ism in the hypoxemia occurrence. This happens when psychological dead space enlarges. It also occurs when there is a rise in the ventilation waste. In the study by Suzy (2012, pp61), it was identified that increased resistance of the airway as well as the need for high minute ventilation tend to result to a limitation on the expiratory flow. Still, the study found out that a dynamic hyperinflation, enlarged threshold of the aspiratory load as well as respiratory muscle dysfunction result to a feeling of fatigue in a patient. Plant and Elliott (2003) studied that a rapid pattern of breathing, which is somehow shallow, occurs. This is due to the respiratory system efforts towards maintenance of enough ventilation in the alveoli. This happens when the elastic, resistive and loads of aspiratory threshold are introduced to the weakened muscles of the respiratory system. However, irrespective of an increment in stimulus of the centers of the respiratory system as well as swings in the lar ge, negative intra-thoracic pressure, carbon dioxide is still retained and as such, acedemia occurs. Other studies by Rossi, et al (1995) and Ambrosino, et al (1997) established that severe COPD which is complicated by ARF, attain characteristics such as; right ventricular failure, encephalopathy as well as dyspnea and these pose as serious challenges to the survival of the patient. In regards to the studies by Eliott (2012, pp85), a vital intervening is advantageous to the patient with COPD is advisable. He suggested a clinical experience and this was an NIV treatment. Does NIV improve respiratory function or increase survival? A
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Speed Velocity And Acceleration
Speed Velocity And Acceleration In this chapter we will look at the concepts of speed, acceleration, and velocity. As we all know gravity is a large factor in the acceleration of an object. For the purposes of this chapter we will differentiate between linear and vertical acceleration as being objects that move linearly or horizontally i.e. linear acceleration, versus objects that fall, fly, or are thrown etc. i.e. vertical acceleration. Vertical acceleration is much more governed by the force of gravity and is covered in greater detail in chapter 12 Newtons Laws. A short section at the end of the chapter addressing vertical acceleration is however included to put the area into context. You may have heard the old adage Speed kills. And you know whether you are driving your car or playing sport its a dangerous variable. Fast athletes are very difficult to handle, as are fast cars. However, having speed is of vital importance in sports. In this chapter well look at speed, velocity and acceleration and the factors that influence them. Speed, acceleration and velocity are all different. If you have ever watched a 100 meter race, you will notice that some athletes start faster than others, so their acceleration is different. Athletes finish the race at different times so their speed is different and athletes reach top speed at different stages so their velocity is different. The key terms to be covered in this chapter are speed, acceleration, velocity, distance, displacement, vertical and horizontal acceleration and velocity. The variables of speed, acceleration, displacement, etc. are about linear kinematics. Kinematics is a general term related to describing motion. Kinematics is also a branch of mechanics (specifically dynamics) that evaluates moving objects. In order to accurately describe kinematics there are certain terms that we must fully understand. They include the terms mentioned above (speed, acceleration, and displacement) and distance, velocity and position. Accurate understanding of these terms will allow us to accurately describe the movement of any object. There is often a lot of confusion about the terms acceleration, speed, and velocity. We often use the term speed in everyday language to imply all three terms and the word fast is an even more general term. Consider the following: A person can be moving fast and not be accelerating. A person can accelerate fast and not have a high velocity or high speed. A nice sporting example was the great Boston Celtics player Larry Bird. Larry Bird was very quick to accelerate over three or four steps, was not very fast at his top speed. So while Larry was very quick and dangerous over 3-4 steps, he would not make a good sprinter because his top end speed was not high. So if an object is accelerating, it is changing its velocity. Acceleration has to do with the change in how fast an object is moving. Therefore, if an object is not changing its velocity, it is not accelerating. We know that distance and displacement have different meanings. The same is true for speed and velocity. Speed can be considered as the rate at which an object covers a certain distance. Objects that move slowly cover distances in long periods of time, i.e., low speed. An object moving quickly covers distance in shorter amounts of time, i.e., high speed. If an object is not moving at all it has zero speed, zero velocity and zero acceleration. Let us consider some of these simple terms in more detail. Position: Position is simply the location of an object in space. You could consider it using coordinates on a map for example, or on a field, or gymnasium. Displacement: Displacement is simply the straight line distance an object has travelled. Distance: Distance is how far an object has travelled in any direction. It is also viewed as the total amount of displacement (regardless of ending position). Look at this simple example. Lets say a basketball court from baseline to baseline is 25m. If a player runs baseline to baseline and back what is his displacement and distance? Distance. This is the easy one since he ran up and down the court so that is 25m + 25m = 50m. Displacement. Since the player ran down the court and back again he ended up in the same place he started. So even though he covered a distance of 50m his displacement is actually zero, since he is back where he started. Lets say the player now runs up and down the court twice. His distance covered would be 25m + 25m + 25m +25m = 100m. Since he ended up back where he started his displacement is still zero. Finally, lets say the player runs from one baseline to the other and stops. In this case both his displacement and distance are the same at 25m. For the most part we use distance rather than displacement to describe movements as it is difficult to correctly measure displacement as we make a lot of turns when we travel. You say displacement is really like the old saying as the crow flies which means straight line. For example, the distance you travel in a car from New York City to Boston might be 250 miles (but your displacement is only 175 miles). When you drive in a car you get on the highway and follow the roads around the coast, over bridges, around hills, around towns etc. However, when you fly the plane flies right over everything in a straight line and you end up only travelling 175 miles (your displacement). Speed Speed is a very general term. Speed is a scalar quantity and is described as Distance divided by time (D/T, where D=distance and T=time). Scalar implies that speed has magnitude but not necessarily any direction, for example temperature or volume. People often use speed and velocity interchangeably but they are different. Speed relates to the distance an object has traveled, while velocity refers to the displacement that has taken place. So, the speed of an object tells us how far an object has traveled in a given amount of time but doesnt tell us anything about the direction in which it traveled. It all sounds a little heavy on the definitions but these are important. Therefore: Average speed = Distance traveled (m) Time (s) Now there are also different types of speed. We refer to them as average speed versus instantaneous speed. When an object is moving it often changes its speed (or direction) during its motion. When there is a change in speed we can alter our definitions. Instantaneous speed is the speed at any given instant, while average speed is the average of all the instantaneous speeds. For example, lets say a runner runs 400m in 60 seconds and crosses the line at 18 kmh or 5 m/s. This means his average speed over the 400m was 6.66 m/s even though he crossed the line at 5 m/s which is his instantaneous speed at the finish line. In other words, he was slowing down as he was getting to the end. If you have ever ran a 400m race then you will now how tired you are at the end and are definitely slowing down. How did we do these calculations? Average speed = Distance/time 400m/60 seconds 6.66 m/s The instantaneous speed recording of 5 m/s would have been measured with a radar or timing device. You could also look at various split times for different portions of the race. Many coaches do in fact do this, so a 400m coach might look at each 100m split and look at both the acceleration and deceleration patterns and average speeds during each of the four separate 100 meters. Here is another problem for you to try. Can you calculate the average speed of a swimmer that completes the 200m butterfly in 2.15 seconds? Answer: 2.15 seconds = 135 seconds. So 200m/135 seconds = 1.48 m/s A 400m freestyler swims the race in 4.10 seconds. The 200m split was 2.02 seconds. Can you calculate the following? a. What was the swimmers average speed for the race? b. What was the difference in speed for the first 200m versus the second 200m? Answer: a. 400m/250 seconds = 1.6 m/s b. First 200m split = 1.64 m/s Second 200m split 1.56 m/s As you can see, the swimmer slowed down over the second 200m. Velocity Velocity is somewhat similar to speed but velocity involves both direction and speed. So, whereas speed is a scalar quantity, velocity is a vector quantity, that is, it has both magnitude and direction. Velocity also uses displacement as opposed to distance. Remember displacement is measured as the straight line distance an object travels from starting to ending position. Velocity is direction sensitive since it is dependent upon displacement. Therefore, when you calculate velocity, you must also keep track of direction. Therefore, if you say an airplane has a velocity of 600 kmh, you would actually be a little vague. You should really say the airplane has a velocity of 600 kmh North. So, speed doesnt worry about direction, velocity does. Velocity is a positive number as we dont have negative velocity. So to summarize, a airplane traveling at 600 kmh as a speed of 600 kmh. The same airplane has a velocity of 600 kmh, North. Finally, the same airplane probably had little acceleration in the middle of its trip as it would only need positive acceleration and negative acceleration during take off and landing. Here is an interesting and challenging little problem for you to solve. Can you fill in the following table with acceleration, speed, and velocity data? We know the following, the direction of travel is south and acceleration doubles every second. If youre feeling confident you can also try and calculate the total distance that was covered over the 6 seconds. Hint! You can use the velocity for each second to help you. Time Vel.m/s Accel. m/s2 *Speed.m/s 0s 1 1 1 1s 2 2s 7 3s 8 4s 31 5s 3 6s 64 Answers Time Vel.m/s Accel. m/s2 *Speed.m/s 0s 1 1 1 1s 3 2 1.5 2s 7 4 3.5 3s 15 8 5.0 4s 31 16 7.75 5s 63 32 12.6 6s 127 64 21.16 *Average speed through that time period So: Average velocity = Displacement Time Let try some additional calculation examples: For example, if an athlete runs around a 400 meter track in 50 seconds we can calculate numerous factors. What was the distance traveled? What was the displacement? What was the average speed? What was the average velocity? 1. What was the distance traveled? Answer: Easy enough = 400 meters 2. What was the displacement? Answer: Since the athlete ended up in the same place as they started, displacement is equal to zero. 3. What was the average speed? Answer: Speed = Distance/Time = 400 m/60 seconds = 6.66 m/sec 4. What was the average velocity? Answer: Velocity = Displacement/Time = 0/60 seconds. In this case we end up with a value of zero and in this scenario average speed is a better indicator of overall performance. In many situations we actually calculate average velocity as speed because we cant gather the correct information to calculate speed. For example, if a punt returner catches the ball on the 20 yard line and then avoids a few tackles to ultimately score a touchdown twelve seconds later, we assume the punt returner ran 80 yards. In fact, they may have run 100 yards with all the turning and weaving but we cant accurately calculate the true distance traveled and instead use displacement. For our purposes in sports, thats okay. You try the following problem. Review Problems Can you accurately calculate average speed, velocity, distance and displacement for each of the following situations? Hint: You may not be able to calculate them all accurately. Problem: 1. A punt returner catches the ball on his own 40 yard line and scores a touchdown nine seconds later. 2. A 100 meter sprinter runs the 100 meter in 10.0 seconds flat. Acceleration The law of acceleration is Newtons second law and basically states The change of motion of an object is proportional to the force impressed and occurs in the direction in which the force is impressed. So far we have talked about speed and velocity and performed some calculations. However, while speed and velocity are valuable components, they tend to provide us with summary information and very little about specific detail. For example, if we consider the data for a 200 meter race run in 20 seconds we know that average speed was 10 m/sec. However, we would not know any information about who accelerated the fastest or who was leading after 100 meters. This information is also important as it helps with identifying strength and weaknesses in athletes and in developing training programs for particular athletes. The measurement of acceleration is important. Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. Therefore, when acceleration is zero, velocity is constant. So when an object changes speed either by slowing up or down, or changes direction, it is accelerating (or decelerating). We can calculate acceleration by measuring the difference in velocity over the time it took for that ch ange in velocity to occur. Consider this: If you were to watch a 100M race the person leading at the 50M mark doesnt always win the race. The reason for this is that runners have different acceleration and deceleration rates, in other words their speed changes. Athletes vary dramatically in their acceleration. Some athletes are very fast over 40M but not over 100M and vice versa. So: Acceleration (a) = Velocity2 Velocity1 Where V2 is velocity at T2 Tim Where V1 is velocity at T1 Sometimes you will see this presented as the change in velocity (Delta sign à ¢Ã‹â€ †) or the change in time (à ¢Ã‹â€ †T) A = à ¢Ã‹â€ †V à ¢Ã‹â€ †T Look at the following acceleration example. Question: A sprinter leaves the starting block at 2.5 m/s. One second later they are traveling at 5.5 m/s. What is the acceleration rate? Answer: V2 V1 = 5.5 m/s 2.5 m/s = 3 m/s squared T 1 You will note that we end up with meters per second squared as our answer would really be presented as 3 m/s/s. Heres another problem to try. Question: A punt returner catches the ball standing still and begins to return. Two seconds later his velocity was 5 m/s. What was his average acceleration over the first two seconds? Answer: V2 V1 = 5 m/s 0 m/s = 3.5 m/s squared T 2 So far we have looked at relatively straightforward examples of speed, acceleration and velocity in that they have all been examples of horizontal movement. Now let us discuss the vertical components of projectile acceleration, speed and velocity. Factors Affecting Acceleration Linear acceleration is affected by many factors and you will recall from chapter ? that the mass of an object is a very important one. Heavier objects accelerate more slowly with a given force. This has to do with both inertia and mass. Heavier objects are harder to both accelerate and decelerate. Think about how easy it is to throw a basketball versus a medicine ball. There are some other points to consider when looking at acceleration, speed, and velocity. First, we now know the units for velocity are meters per second (m/s) and meters per second squared for acceleration (m/s/s). For speed they are also m/s. Since acceleration (like velocity) is a vector quantity, it also has direction associated with it. The direction of acceleration depends on two factors: a. Whether the object is speeding up or slowing down b. Whether the object is moving in a negative (upwards) or positive (downward) direction We can simplify this by saying that if an object is slowing down then its acceleration is in opposite direction of its motion. If it is speeding up then its acceleration is in the same direction as its motion. Therefore: Acceleration (m/s2) = mass (kg)/force (newtons) Vertical speed, acceleration and velocity If you were to throw a ball up in the air and then catch it again at the same height as you released it, how would the ending velocity be? Would it be greater, less, or the same as the release speed? If you guessed the same you would be correct. You see, all objects, whether traveling vertically or horizontally, are subjected to the constant force of gravity (9.81 m/s2). This means that as soon as the ball left your hands it started to negatively (de)accelerate at 9.81 m/s2 until it had no more velocity. Then, it started to positively re-accelerate over the same distance (and time) at a rate of 9.81 m/s2 until you caught it again. This is a very neat relationship as it allows us to make many calculations based on this constant acceleration force. Projectiles are subjected to both vertical and horizontal components in their motion. The horizontal components are affected by the mass of the object and the acceleration force as previously mentioned. The vertical components are also affected by these two factors plus gravity. Consider this statement: A ball shot horizontally (at zero degrees) has the same vertical component as a ball that is simply dropped with no horizontal velocity. What this means is that if you were to throw a pass from your chest and it hit the ground 15 meters away 1.5 seconds later, and at the same time drop a second ball straight down from the same height, they would both hit the ground at the exact same time. What this is showing us is that the force of gravity component is acting consistently regardless of whether the ball has a horizontal component or not. In other words adding a horizon tal acceleration component does not affect in any way the force of gravity. Remember also that gravitational acceleration is a vector quantity comprising both magnitude and direction and acceleration is a squared variable to the magnitude of the force of gravity. This means that for every second an object is in free fall it will accelerate by ad additional 9.81m/s2. Thus the total distance travelled is directly proportional to the square of the time. Or we could say that if an object travels twice the time it will travel four times the distance. If an object travels for three seconds it will cover nine times the distance, for four seconds it is sixteen times the distance travelled in the first second. Look at the following. A coin is dropped from a cliff. The table shows how fast it is travelling at different time points. Time Speed m/s 1 sec 9.81 2sec 19.62 3 sec 29.43 4 sec 39.24 5 sec 49.05 6 sec 58.86 7 sec 96.23 Consider this simple math problem: Question: A boy drops a ball from a balcony and records a time of 3 seconds for the ball to hit the ground. At what velocity did the ball hit the ground? Answer: 29.43 m/s How do we get this answer? Well, remember that gravity acts as a constant 9.81 m/s2. What this means is that for each second the ball is in flight it accelerates an additional 9.81 m/s. So: Insert schematic to demonstrate after 1 second = 9.81 m/s after 2 seconds = 9.81 m/s + 9.81 m/s = 19.62 m/s after 3 seconds + 19.62 m/s + 9.81 m/s = 29.43 m/s This is a simple illustration of the concept. Next question, what velocity would the ball have to be released at ground height for the boy to catch it on the balcony? Answer: A minimum of 29.43 m/s. The answer is the same because gravity and acceleration (or deceleration) is working to the same effect when the ball is moving upwards. This is sometimes referred to a negative acceleration. Question. A boy is standing on a balcony and is curious about how high the balcony is from the ground. The boy drops a ball and records the time it takes to hit the ground. It took 3.2 seconds for the ball to hit the ground. The boy concludes that the balcony is 66.7m high. How did he work it out? Well at the end of the first second the ball was travelling 9.81m/s, at the end of the second the ball was travelling 19.62m/s, at the end of the third second the ball was travelling 29.43m/s. If you add these three distances together you get 58.86 meters travelled after three seconds. If the ball travelled another full second it would travel another 39.24m, but it only travelled in this zone for 0.2 sec. So, 39.24m x 0.2sec =7.84m. Now we add the 58.86m + 7.84m = 66.7m, and thats our answer. There are some other factors to consider with vertical projectiles. The pattern of change in vertical velocity is symmetrical about the apex of the trajectory. So not only does the object land at the same speed it was released, it also follows the reverse flight path on the way down. Using these constant parameters we can now extend our calculations into more complex situations. For example, lets say you are watching a volleyball game in a high school gym with a 10 meter high ceiling. An opponent spikes the ball over the net and a player digs the ball at ground level at which time the ball has a velocity of 15 m/s. The question is will the ball hit the ceiling? To solve for this we can use an equation that combines several variables we talked about already. Where: V2 = velocity at time 2 V1 = velocity at time 1 a = acceleration t = time In order to answer this question we need to look at what we know and what we want to know. Well, we want to know the distance (d) the ball travels. We already know a = 9.81 m/s2 and we know V1 = 15 m/s. We also know that at the apex the velocity is zero, so V2 can be set to zero. So now our formula looks like this: 1. 0 = V1 squared + 2ad 2. 0 = (15 m/s) squared + 2 (-9.81 m/s squared) x d Now if we rearrange to solve for d our formula looks like: = (19.62 m/s squared) x d = 225 m/s squared = d = 11.47 m The answer is yes! The ball will hit the ceiling as it will travel 11.47 m. Heres another similar problem: A ball is deflected vertically at 18 m/s and the ceiling height is 11 meters. Will the ball hit the ceiling? Factors affecting projectile motion We have discussed several factors that affect the movement (or acceleration) of an object. The factors that affect vertical acceleration are the mass of the object, the force (speed) of release and gravity. Horizontal acceleration is affected only by mass and force of release (application). Gravity is of course a factor but not in determining its horizontal component. But sometimes we want to throw objects e.g. discus, hammer, etc. and while these projectiles are influenced by force and mass, there are other factors that influence how far the projectile will travel. We generally recognize three other factors that influence how far a projectile will travel when a constant force is applied. They are: 1. Angle at which projectile is released. 2. The speed of release. 3. The height of release. The optimum angle of release to increase horizontal displacement is 45 °. Projectiles released at over or below this angle will not reach their greatest distance. Look at Table 1 to see how distance traveled varies with changing angles of release. You will see from table 1 that the optimum angle of release is 45 ° and after that the decrease in distance traveled is symmetrical as height compromises distance (I.e. follows the same pattern as increasing angle of release up to 45 °). The greater the speed of release the greater the distance a projectile will travel. This holds true simply because there is a greater acceleration force applied in the first place. Simply put, if you want to throw a ball further you need also to throw it harder. The greater the height of release the greater the distance a projectile will travel. If you consider field sports in athletics you will notice that most successful hammer, discus and javelin throwers are taller, giving the mecha nical advantage over shorter competitors in that event. If you were to throw a ball from the top of a building it would strike the ground much further away than it would if you were to throw it from standing on the ground. Table 1: Distance a Projectile travels at a constant speed and height of release with change in angle of release. (need the reference) Speed of release Release angle Distance Travelled 10m/s 10 3.49m 10m/s 20 6.55m 10m/s 30 8.83m 10m/s 40 10.04m 10m/s 45 10.19m 10m/s 50 1.04m If you have watched a discuss competition or a hammer throw you might notice that these athletes are quite tall (often over 1.9m). The reason for this is that these athletes have an advantage over their shorter counterparts as their angle of release is already several centimeters higher. Summary This chapter has provided a basic introduction to the concepts of speed, acceleration and velocity. We have also looked at how differentiating between these variables is important and sometimes difficult. Using some known constants, such as the accelerating force of gravity (9.81 m/s2) allows us to calculate and even predict the speeds, velocities and flight paths of selected projectiles. We have also discussed other factors that affect projectile motion such as height and speed of release. While this information is very important, it is a basic introduction as there are many other more complex factors affecting speed, acceleration and velocity. We did not talk about shape or design or, indeed materials which also play a role in the way particular objects react to forces. The factors are extremely important but for now are beyond the scope of this text. Following this section are additional problems for you to solve and practice. Review Problems Can you provide a one sentence definition for each of the follow terms? Distance Displacement Acceleration Velocity Speed Position Scalar Vector A ball rolls with an acceleration of -.5 m/s 2. If it stops after 7 seconds, what was its initial speed? A wheelchair marathoner has a speed of 5m/s after rolling down a small hill in 1.5sec. If the wheelchair underwent a constant acceleration of 3 m/s 2 during the descent, what was the marathoners speed at the top of the hill? A runner completes 6.5 laps of a 400m track in 12 mins (720 secs). He starts half way around the bend. Can you calculate the following? a. Distance covered: b. Displacement after 12 minutes: c. Runners average speed: d. Runners average pace: min/mile = A soccer ball is rolling across a field. At T = 0, the ball has an instantaneous velocity of 4 m/s. If acceleration occurs at a constant -0.3 m/s2 how long will it take to stop? A batter strikes a ground ball with an instantaneous velocity of 18m/s. If acceleration occurs at -0.7m/s2 how long will it take to stop?
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