Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Pre â€1914 Poetry Comparison on Love Essay - 1409 Words
In this compare and contrast essay I will compare four poems in detail and mention two in the passing to find similarities and differences. The poems and sonnets I have chosen to compare are ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning and Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare The two Robert Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written in the infamous Victorian Era whereas the two Shakespearean Sonnets were written in the Elizabethan Era. The styles of the poems differ in accordance to the difference of the time in which they were written. Pre-Romantic Era poems moved away from the idealistic concept of love towards a more realistic consideration of it, taking into account the social†¦show more content†¦Likewise, the Victorian Era poet, Christina Rossetti credited with poems like ‘I wish I could remember,’ a feminist poem that was written from a woman’s point of view, a poem which used the Italian Sonnet form. Christina Rossetti has used both the English Sonnet and the Italian Sonnet, and this may be reflective of her background; she was born in England, but her father was Italian, so Italy, its language and customs had a strong influence on her life and her creative ness. Sonnet 18 doesn’t really show any signs of the blazon, whereas Sonnet 130 shows strong signs of the reversal of the blazon conventions. It turns the positives into hard-hitting real negatives, such as how his mistress is not a goddess, but in fact a real woman. This brings a new light to the reader about the poem, and the poem takes on a fresh perspective. The convention used is the similarly the opposite of the blazon convention in Chapter Four of the Song of Solomon, a love poem from the Bible, possibly the first recorded example of the blazon convention; its around 3,000 years old, The two Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written to convey to the reader how women were treated in that era; as possession, as assets. Both of these poems can be read from different points of view and they also both are what is known as dramatic monologue. Both of the Robert Browning poems are written in the first person, similarly to theShow MoreRelated Comparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne),931 Words  | 4 PagesComparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne), Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day (William Shakespeare), and Jenny Kissed Me (James Leigh Hunt) These three love poems or sonnets were all written pre 1914 but by very different writers. 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