Saturday, May 23, 2020
Request for Proposals in Gregory Garretts World Class...
The most common input documents in the procurement industry as mentioned by Garrett in his book are, request for proposal (RFP), request for tender (RFT), request for quotation (RFQ), invitation to bid (ITB), invitation for bids (IFB), and invitation for negotiations (IFN), while, the output documents are the proposals and the bids. For the purpose of this essay I am going to focus on the RFP, ITB, and RFQ as input documents on the buyers step three, solicitation. On the output documents I also want to add quotes, which were not mentioned by the author but in my personal experience they are invaluable when procuring goods and services. Additionally, I want to talk about the risk management aspect of the RFP from the buyers and sellers†¦show more content†¦In response to your RFQ your prospective vendors provide you quotes (output document for RFQ). After receiving all the quotes, you choose the vendor with lowest price because the selection is cost driven. RFQ and quote s are most of the time informal and there is no binding associated with these documents. In the other hand, when you do an ITB you go to a formal competitive solicitation. I found on my research that companies and government agencies have a dollar amount threshold to decide between a RFQ and ITB. The source selection decision of the commodities or services to be procured are price driven; therefore, the lowest bidder that meets the minimum criteria gets the contract. ITBs go in depth details to ensure that there is no deviation from the requirements. A business case I found online; University of Florida publishes an ITB for a janitorial contract for the new School of Medicine in Orlando Florida. The statement of work is very specific on what, how and when everything needs to be done. The response for the ITB are bids from potential vendors. This document is useful when the cost uncertainty is low. The RFPs are used when there is a level of complexity associated with a requested service or goods. Garrett mentions on Chapter 7 that is â€Å"generally used when nonfinancial considerations, such as technical skills or approach, are paramount.†RFPs allow from early stages of the procurement that the buyer and the seller are engaged in
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Pre â€1914 Poetry Comparison on Love Essay - 1409 Words
In this compare and contrast essay I will compare four poems in detail and mention two in the passing to find similarities and differences. The poems and sonnets I have chosen to compare are ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning and Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare The two Robert Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written in the infamous Victorian Era whereas the two Shakespearean Sonnets were written in the Elizabethan Era. The styles of the poems differ in accordance to the difference of the time in which they were written. Pre-Romantic Era poems moved away from the idealistic concept of love towards a more realistic consideration of it, taking into account the social†¦show more content†¦Likewise, the Victorian Era poet, Christina Rossetti credited with poems like ‘I wish I could remember,’ a feminist poem that was written from a woman’s point of view, a poem which used the Italian Sonnet form. Christina Rossetti has used both the English Sonnet and the Italian Sonnet, and this may be reflective of her background; she was born in England, but her father was Italian, so Italy, its language and customs had a strong influence on her life and her creative ness. Sonnet 18 doesn’t really show any signs of the blazon, whereas Sonnet 130 shows strong signs of the reversal of the blazon conventions. It turns the positives into hard-hitting real negatives, such as how his mistress is not a goddess, but in fact a real woman. This brings a new light to the reader about the poem, and the poem takes on a fresh perspective. The convention used is the similarly the opposite of the blazon convention in Chapter Four of the Song of Solomon, a love poem from the Bible, possibly the first recorded example of the blazon convention; its around 3,000 years old, The two Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written to convey to the reader how women were treated in that era; as possession, as assets. Both of these poems can be read from different points of view and they also both are what is known as dramatic monologue. Both of the Robert Browning poems are written in the first person, similarly to theShow MoreRelated Comparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne),931 Words  | 4 PagesComparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne), Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day (William Shakespeare), and Jenny Kissed Me (James Leigh Hunt) These three love poems or sonnets were all written pre 1914 but by very different writers. The authors of these poems use different styles of writing love poetry. For instance, John Donny is very clever. His poem, The Flea brings out an angle of smart sayings to get people to have sex. William Shakespeare focuses moreRead More Pre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesPre-1914 Century Poetry Coursework In this piece of coursework I will be comparing love songs from six different poems by different authors. I will do ‘First Love’ by John Clare, ‘How Do I Love Thee?’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning, ‘A Birthday’ and ‘Remember’ both by Christina Rossetti, ‘When We Two Parted’ by Lord Byron and ‘Villegiature’ by Edith Nesbit. All these poems that I am going to be comparing are all written before the 20th century, in the early 1700’s and 1800’s era. 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Old Business III]â€Å"Manley was drunk and he was a spectacle. But they seemed glad this had happened to him. That is what galled.†(Ch. 18). The 1920’s and 1930’s have a lot under their hood, the following is a socio-cultural portrait/comparison of what the 20’s and 30’s were all about. â€Å"T.S Eliot has been one of the most daring innovators of twentieth-century poetry. Never compromising either with the public or indeed withRead MoreComparison Between Remember And Sonnet1959 Words  | 8 PagesComparison between â€Å"Remember†and â€Å"Sonnet†There are many similarities between Remember by Christina Rossetti and Sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and yet, at the same time there are very differing contrasts. The title of the poem Sonnet or commonly referred to as How do I love thee obviously the piece is written in sonnet form and â€Å"Remember†by Christina Rossetti is also written in sonnet form. A sonnet is a fourteen line poem written in iambic pentameter. Within both of these poemsRead More The Life and Times of Claude McKay Essay2788 Words  | 12 Pagesthe black residents of the city.†The contrast of these two cities inspired McKay to write Songs of Jamaica and Constab Ballads (Masiello 244). These two pieces of writing were published by Walter Jekyll, a publisher who encouraged McKay to write poetry rooted in Jamaican folk culture and with Jamaican Dialect. These pieces of writing differed from the traditional form of writing he learned in his schooling, but gave McKay his first piece of recognition. These two pieces of writing were so successfulRead MoreEssay on Pre 1914 Love Poetry from the Victorian and Elizabethan Era3579 Words  | 15 PagesPre 1914 Love Poetry from the Victorian and Elizabethan Era Conventional females were considered to be second class citizens who were expected to refrain in conveying their natural feelings and emotions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Relationship Between Science And Religion Essay - 2131 Words
The relationship between science and religion as Western categories of thought has long been fraught with tension; academics suggest that the conflict between religion and science arose in the 17th century, as a result of the Galileo Affair, and continued into the 18th century Age of Enlightenment. Others, however, suggest that the dispute between the two systems of belief may even be traced as far back as classical antiquity. Even today, it is clear that tensions endure between academics unable to reach a consensus as to the nature of this relationship. While some suggest that the relationship between science and religion is one of direct intellectual opposition, others propose that the two disciplines are methodologically, if not intellectually, compatible, and still others argue that the disciplines of science and religion are too dissimilar to be in conflict. What clearly emerges from this discussion is the notion that a single, concise answer as to the question of the relation ship between science and religion does not, and cannot, exist. In both academic and colloquial discourse, religion and science are often considered opposite ends of a philosophical spectrum, intrinsically incompatible due to the former s reliance on rationalism and empiricism, and the latter s reliance on supernaturalism, as sources of truth. Although a variance of opinion clearly exists, the incompatibility of science and religionâ€â€a theory known as the epistemological conflictShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Religion And Science1339 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout modern times, philosophers have debated the relationship between religion and science. For example, the question has been raised whether science and religion give the same kind of knowledge, thus competing with one another. The alternate view is that they give different kinds of knowledge, thereby complementing one another. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian scientist who addressed this issue . A bit later, the English philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) similarly discussed the kindsRead MoreThe Relationship Between Religion And Science907 Words  | 4 PagesThe relationship between religion and science is indubitably debated. Barbour describes four ways of viewing this relationship (conflict, independence, dialogue--religion explains what science cannot, and integration--religion and science overlap). Gould presents a case in which religion and science are non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA), that the two entities teach different things and therefore do not conflict. The subject of this essay is Worrall, who says that religion and science does conflictRead MoreThe Relationship between Science and Religion755 Words  | 4 Pages  The Relationship between Science and Religion   The relationship between science and religion will be analyzed in the following three aspects: conflict, compartmentalization and complementariness.   Conflict   An essential question on our own existence is bound to evoke our curiosity: where did we come from? Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution, believed that human being was evolved from apes. However, the Genesis in Bible considered that human was created by God. Undoubtedly, it is impossibleRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion950 Words  | 4 PagesWithin philosophy, there has long been a question about the relationship between science and religion. These two systems of human experience have undoubtedly had a lot of influence in the course of mankind’s development. The philosopher Ian Barbour created a taxonomy regarding science and religion that has become widely influential. His taxonomy postulates that there are four ways in which science and religion are thought to interact. The four categories are: conflict, independence, dialogue, andRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion901 Words  | 4 Pagesstudy of consciousness bring s an interesting twist into the relationship between science and religion. Humans standalone from all other creatures because we are conscious, this indicates to some people that there has to be a higher power. When studying the evolution of humans, we find that we are so much more advanced than any other known creature on the planet. This article attempts to explain the relationship between science and religion and the few unexplained things in the universe that prove thereRead MoreThe Relationship Between Religion And Science1056 Words  | 5 Pages100 October 4, 2014 Western Individualism What is the relationship between religion and science? In his book, Consilience, Edward O. Wilson aims to find a unified theory of knowledge. Consilence also seeks to show how science is superior to and can replace religion. In this paper, I intend to show how Wilson understands this relationship and science as well as how. as well as show John Stuart Mill would agree or disagree with Wilson. Science â€Å"aims to save the spirit, not by surrender but by theRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion1159 Words  | 5 PagesThe relationship between the philosophies of science and religion has long been a contentious topic in both popular and scholastic discourse. While some individuals engaging in this debate suggest that the relationship between the two disciplines is one of direct opposition, others propose that the two disciplines are in fact compatible or too dissimilar to be in conflict. While this debate raged, certain academics attempted to find a way to solve the apparent conflict between science and religionRead MoreThe Relationship between Science and Religion814 Words  | 3 PagesWhen one thinks of religion, Christianity may come to mind. And when one talks about science, Galileo’s name will most likely be mentioned. The relationship between science and religion has had a long complex history. Both strived to answer and explain the way the world and the universe came to exist and why it functions the way it does. However, one subject relies on the supernatural world while the other on the physical world. Christianity, Judaism and other Western religions played a major roleRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion3252 Words  | 14 Pageshe relationship between science and religion is a very interesting and complex one, and has changed quite a lot over the course of human history. In order to competently understand this relationship, it is necessary to have a rudimentary knowledge of the fundamental methods and aims of each discipline. Though the relationship between science and religion has changed a lot over time, what has not changed is the fact that the two disciplines are diametrically opposed to each other in many ways, havingRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion1481 Words  | 6 Pagesmethod of inductive logic. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) allowed science and theology to each have the ir own sovereign realm. Conflicting ideas between science and religion began to develop during the nineteenth century. During the twentieth century people began to believe that all human knowledge was scientific knowledge. Research either proved or disproved theories of the earth’s origin. People began to question the supremacy of science on the basis of the very premises that brought it to power,
When One Parent Loses a Job Free Essays
Melissa McAfee Mrs. Bastian Dev022 April 11, 2013 First draft The Impact when one parent loses a Job When one parent loses a job it impacts the whole family. My household went from two incomes to one, in a matter of months. We will write a custom essay sample on When One Parent Loses a Job or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was no time to prepare. My husband Bucky works for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad; therefore his pay was never the same. So, my income was very important. I got paid the same amount every two weeks. We could budget our expenses off that amount. We always had extra money, a savings account and a Christmas fund in place. We had the luxuries of two incomes. Lucky for us we didn’t live outside our budget. I was employed with US Cable for eight years. I succeed well in my job making a good income. I took several related courses to achieve the most in my pay. Taking every cable, internet, and telephone course offered. For very passing test we got a raise, this was something we were offered to do in our own time. We could even work Saturdays for overtime, and there was always someone who would give up there day to work. Julie would always give up her Saturday. Mcafee-2 My husband Bucky doesn’t worry about me working. It will work out, it always does he would say. Easy for him to say I liked having my own money! I didn’t really worry much until the day after Jan. 23, 2013. Then it hit me I will no longer have a paycheck, or a job to go too. I have worked at the same place just shy over eight years. What would I do when all I am use to is being extremely busy all day: between work and family. Well you see that didn’t change. I gained more family time. My two oldest daughters didn’t live at home anymore. So, we got too hang out more together. I got to spend more time with my new grandson Lane. My daughter Donna had just started college. My title became grandma-sitter. My daughter Deana liked to come over and spoil her nephew, when she wasn’t working. My youngest daughter Shelby also enjoyed me being home. I picked her up from school and most days she would get a sweet tea from McDonalds. That was a treat. My husband Bucky also enjoyed me home during the day. You see there were many days we would go without seeing each other; because of our schedules. In the conclusion we gained more family time and more family meals. We would actually dine out two to three times a week: before my job ended. Now it’s maybe that a month. The effect of losing my job became a blessing really. As of today I am a full time student at college and have made more memories with my family. The effect was well worth the impact. How to cite When One Parent Loses a Job, Papers
Comparing the Spanish and English Colonies in the New World free essay sample
The Spanish settlements in the American Southwest and the English colonies in New England of the seventeenth century can be contrasted in primarily two ways. First, their politics were based on entirely different ruling classes and systems of government. Second, they employed different avenues of economic development. The Spanish settlements began with Cortes and others conquering the Native Americans of South, Central, and parts of Southwestern North America. After eradicating a large portion of the Native American population, the Spanish began to intermarry into the Native American gene pool. Consequently, only portions of the population were pureblooded Spaniards. These Spaniards occupied the highest social and political status. Those from Spain were one step above those born in the New World while those of mixed or Indian heritage were at the bottom of the social ladder. Additionally, because the Spanish came as conquerors, the resulting political system was entirely autocratic and solely devoted to the furthering of the motherland. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing the Spanish and English Colonies in the New World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Immediately after conquering the Native Americans, the Spanish looted large amounts of gold, silver, and other valuables. This tradition continued into the seventeenth century as Spanish ships would come annually to bring gold and other valuables back to Spain. In this way, Spain viewed Spanish America as an object useful only for its mercantilist objectives. Since mercantilism was its only objective, Spain gave its colonies little self-rule. Instead, Spanish rulers dictated all the policies of its New World territories. The English, on the other hand, settled relatively peacefully into the Eastern Seaboard of North America. Englishmen migrated to the New World not as conquerors but rather because they wanted independence, political freedom, and economic opportunity. Combined with Englands tradition of partial representation, the English Colonies had a large degree of self-government. The colonies all had some form of a representative assembly that was voted in by popular support. While only white male landowners could vote, this still constituted some degree of democracy. In some colonies, even the governors were decided by popular vote. Also, many of the British colonies, such as Virginia, were established by joint stock companies or established as proprietary colonies, such as Pennsylvania. Even royal colonies were often simply colonies given a royal charter but still established by a group of people not directly affiliated
Friday, May 1, 2020
The Place I Have Visited for Holiday free essay sample
New Year would be my first one week break after entering the life of a college student. It was such a pleasant relieve because I do not think I could take another pressure after my mid-term examination. My friends from other colleges were also having their break from college so all of us decided to go for a short trip to Pulau Pinang. There were a total of nine people including myself. Originally, we planned to take the train to Pulau Pinang but they were out of tickets due to the festive celebration. So we took the bus instead. On our way there, the bus made a pit stop at Tapah. Most of my friends went down because it was just so cold on the bus but I decided to stay in. As the bus started to continue the journey to Pulau Pinang, I realised that my friends were not on the bus. We will write a custom essay sample on The Place I Have Visited for Holiday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And then I received a phone call from one of my friends saying that they were left behind. I quickly went to the driver to ask him to pull over so that my friends could catch up and get on the bus. Luckily, they were not too far behind. The journey took about six hours due to heavy rain. We reached Butterworth at around dawn. After that, we had to take the ferry to cross over to other side to get to Batu Ferringhi, Pulau Pinang. We were all really excited to finally arrive in Pulau Pinang but exhausted at the same time because of the long journey. So we decided to straightaway go to the guest house and check in. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting some rest before heading out to the beach which is just in front of the place we were staying at. After enjoying the view and playing some volleyball at the beach, we went for dinner at Gurney Drive. There was a wide variety of food to choose from. Each and every one of us bought different kinds of food then we exchange with each other and taste them. The food there was very delicious and tasty. We even took away some, in case we get hungry later. Then all of us went for a walk at the Ferringhi Night Market. There were so many tourists walking around too. We stopped by Sixty Nine Mansion to have some drinks before we head back to our guest house. The next day we checked out around noon and we took a train back home. We reached Kuala Lumpur safely later that night. In conclusion of our short trip to Pulau Pinang, it was truly a memorable experience. Pulau Pinang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Malaysia. Pulau Pinang is also an exciting place to visit because it has so many attractions to offer. There are so many things to see and so many other things to do. All in all, Pulau Pinang is surely an amazing place to go for a short trip or vacation.
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